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The psychology of a staycation

Saturday 24 April 2021 | Written by Emmanuel Samoglou | Published in Local, National


The psychology of a staycation
Magic Reef Bungalows in Arorangi has seen a steady flow of bookings from residents looking to unwind with a staycation. 21042324

Staycations have taken off around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the phenomenon hasn’t escaped the Cook Islands. CI News take a look into why we need to get away, even if it might only be a short drive away from home.

Staycations have taken off around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the phenomenon hasn’t escaped the Cook Islands. CI News take a look into why we need to get away, even if it might only be a short drive away from home.

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Lynn beaumont-Orr on 25/04/2021

Great article, I only wish inVaimaanga staycationers respected their holiday neighbourhood as the foreign tourists usually do.In their own village would they play deafening music all night and day in a residential area accompanied by screaming and shrieking. The police are called to deal with the situation when they ignore requests from neighbours when I'm sure the police have more pressing matters to deal with. Would they behave like this at their own house and maybe the landlords should be more concerned with how many people are at their accomm and how disruptive they are being rather than $$$$$$