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Mataora appointed ICI deputy secretary

Thursday 10 October 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Local, National


Mataora appointed ICI deputy secretary
Vaipo Mataora has been appointed Infrastructure Cook Islands’ new deputy secretary following a recruitment drive at the start of the 2024/25 financial year. ICI/24100920

Infrastructure Cook Islands (ICI) has become the first ministry to appoint a deputy secretary, aiming to improve efficiency and leadership within the organisation.

Vaipo Mataora, who served as the head of ICI’s national hydrography and geoscience division, has been appointed as deputy secretary following a recruitment drive at the start of the 2024/25 financial year.

In a statement, ICI said the deputy secretary role was new and aligned to the achievement of the Ministry’s Statement of Strategic Intentions 2023-2027.

The deputy secretary will be overseeing the core and support services output of ICI which comprises of the Civil Works, Pa Enua Support Services, Hydrography and Geoscience, Building Control and Electrical Inspectorate Departments, as well as the rest of the Ministry when the Secretary is away. 

ICI says as the only Ministry with a deputy secretary, it is excited to see how this new position will translate into greater efficiencies in infrastructure delivery for the Cook Islands. 

Secretary of ICI Elizabeth Wright-Koteka said: “The Ministry has had somewhat of a checkered reputation, and it is important to recognise this, while at the same time act on pragmatism to hopefully lift the impact that ICI hopes to achieve for the public that it serves.”

Quoting Albert Einstein’s famous adage, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” Wright-Koteka hopes that this change when put together with the hard work and dedication of the entire ICI team will bring different and great results.  

Public Service Commissioner Carl Hunter, in approving the deputy secretary role, stated, “The establishment of a Deputy Secretary role at ICI strengthens succession planning and leadership continuity, enhancing the ability of ICI to navigate challenges and drive strategic initiatives.”

“This position fosters a pipeline of emerging leaders at ICI which I am confident will ensure Government’s national infrastructure projects are not only implemented in a cost effective manner but are both sustainable and responsive to the future needs of the country.

“On that front, I am commend Secretary Wright-Koteka for seeking for this post to be established at ICI and wish the recently appointed Deputy Secretary Mataora the very best in the role.”

Mataora brings to the position 35 years of experience in the Ministry and its different iterations over time.  He has experience in project planning, implementation, management and administration and during the recruitment process expressed not only his familiarity with the Ministry’s challenges, but also opportunities. 

He has a Master of Arts in Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Marine Affairs, Diploma in Geoscience and Surveying Engineering and Certificate in Land Surveying.

Tauturu Akatere no Te Tango Angaanga o te Kuki Airani (ICI)

Kua akamata atu a Vaipo Mataora i tana tuanga angaanga ou, koia te Tauturu Akatere o te ICI, i muri ake i tetai kimianga tangata no teia turanga i teia nga marama i topa ake nei. 

Ko teia turanga ou, Tauturu Akatere no te ICI, kua atuiia te reira ki runga i Akatangoanga Kaveinga o te ICI 2023-2027.  Ka riro te Tauturu Akatere e nana e tirotiro atu i te tuanga o te Papa e te Turuturu o te ICI e tona au mangamanga koia te Ropianga Iti Tangata, Turuturu i te Pa Enua, Toi-ata Moana e te Enua e te Akinanga Ture o te Patu Are e teTamouanga Uira, pera katoa i te akatere i te ICI me kare te Akatere i roto nei i te Ipukarea. 

Ko te ICI te Kopapa Kavamani mua tei akatika iatu tetai turanga Tauturu Akatere, e te mataora nei te ICI i te akaarianga e ka naea teia turanga ite takianga i te au takaianga e umuumuia nei no te Ipukarea.  Te akakite ra te Tama Akatere o te ICI, a Elizabeth Wright-Koteka e, “I tetai au taime e rongo marekakore to teia Tari o te Kavamani, e e mea tau kia nakiro ia teia, mate rave atu i tetai au angaanga takake kia maranga te turanga o te ICI i te tavinianga i te iti tangata.” Kua taki katoa mai a Wright-Koteka ia Albert Einstein ko tei karanga e, “E neneva te rave i taua angaanaga rai i te au taime katoatoa ma te irinaki e ka taui te otinga.”  Irinakiia e ko teia tauianga o te Tauturu Akatere, tapiri atu ki te pae i te toianga pakari e te manavanui o te aronga angaanga o te ICI ka rauka mai te au akairo meitaki e te marekaia.  Kua akakite atu te Komitiona Maata o te au Tari o te Kavamani e "Ko te akatupu'anga o te ngai 'anga'anga, Tauturu Tekeretere i roto i te Opati o te ICI, ka riro te reira i te akamatutu i te parani no te monomono tuatau e te turanga tupa'upa'u arataki, kia rauka tetai turanga meitaki no te ICI i te akara matatio i te au ta'i'i'anga e te akameitaki atu i te au manako memeitaki.  Ko teia ngai 'anga'anga, ka riro te reira i te akataka i te ara no te au arataki ou i roto i te ICI e te irinaki nei au e ka riro te reira i te tauturu i te au tango angaanga a te Kavamani kia kore te moni e kaimoumou ia e kia rauka te turanga matutu e pera te 'atuianga ki te au anoano o te Ipukarea no te au tuatau ki mua.  No reira, te akameitaki nei au i te tamaine Tekeretere Wright-Koreka no tei aruaru kia akatupu'ia teia ngai angaanga i roto i te ICI e te raua nei iaku i te akameitaki atu e te akamaroiroi atu i te Tauturu Tekeretere Mataora, no teia turanga tei tuku'iatu ki runga iaia.  

E 35 o Vaipo Mataora mataiti i roto i teia Tari o te Kavamani, e kua kite atu aia i te au tauianga i na roto mai i teia tuatau.  E nakiro tona i te tuanga o te akapapaanga angaanga, e na roto i te ikianga i tei tau no teia turanga, kua akaari mai aia i tona taunga i te au ngai tai’i, pera te au ravenga takake te ka riro ei taaki i te ICI.  E Tou Paerua (Masters of Arts) to Vaipo i roto i te Turanga Akateretere Pitineti, e Tou Paetai (Bachelors of Arts) i roto i te Apii Mataenua e te Moana, Pokairua (Diploma) o te Toi-ata enua e te Initinia Akakotinga enua, mate Pokaitai (Certificate) o te Akakotinga enua.