Monday 16 August 2021 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local, National
Members of the Koutu Nui on the last day of their annual general meeting in June this year. 21061727
House of Ariki is looking at amending its Act so that they have the authority to decide the rightful holder of a traditional title in dispute.
Kaumaiti Nui (president) of the Are Ariki, Tou Ariki said the proposal alongside the abolition of Koutu Nui, the group of traditional sub-chiefs, are the key topics at this week’s conference.
In a statement, the executive committee of the Koutu Nui said they do not agree with the Are Ariki proposed amendment to the Constitution which would give them the final say as to the rightful holder of a traditional title in dispute.
“We believe most people accept the ruling of the Courts because it is an impartial and peaceful way to resolve such important issues,” Koutu Nui said.
“We do not think one Ariki has the right to decide who should hold another Ariki title, it is the kopu ariki who should make the choice.”
Tou Ariki earlier told Cook Islands News: “We have allowed the court to solve our peu akonoanga Maori … so we will be pushing for this (amendment) in the conference. At the moment the court is just following what has been written.”
He said when the “kopu ariki” select an Ariki and send the message out; with the majority of the matakainanga (village people) in agreement, “that should be it, no running to court”.
The Koutu Nui agreed with the House of Ariki that the Kopu Ariki in each island selects their Ariki, and announces their choice to all, including the Aronga Mana.
“It is true that some of the Koutu Nui members on each island of the Cook Islands are part of the kopu ariki family, and have every right to take part in the selection.”
However the Koutu Nui is against the idea of matakainanga making the final decision on who should take on the Ariki title: “Because there would be people participating in the selection who have no link to the kopu ariki. Only the kopu ariki has the right to make the selection, and then make the announcement.”
At a public meeting held in Matavera in March 2021, the majority of those who attended did not agree with abolishing the Koutu Nui.
According to Koutu Nui, at that meeting, Te-O-Tari-Kura o te Are Ariki (clerk) Tupuna Rakanui announced that the Are Ariki had nominated a committee to record akonoanga maori (Maori custom).
“This was the first we heard of that Committee, but we think it would be a good idea. Such a document would provide a guidance to the Courts, and clear up any confusion,” the statement said.
“We believe this would be more effective in avoiding interference in the selection of Ariki than abolishing the Koutu Nui.”
The Koutu Nui is a traditional organisation consisting of Mataiapo, Rangatira, Kavana – who are not Ariki. It was established by an amendment in 1972 of the 1966 House of Ariki Act. Paroro Mataiapo Rongo Preston was elected the president of the Koutu Nui in June at the organisation’s annual general meeting.
Tou Ariki said the House of Ariki have agreed to abolish the Koutu Nui. “It has already been discussed, the decision has been made because of their behaviour… at the moment they are behaving like they are the Ariki and we are not getting anywhere.”
Sixteen of the 24 Ariki are expected to attend the 50th session of the House of Ariki conference that starts today at Atupare in Puaikura.
Are Ariki warrants granted
Ngamaru Tupuna Ariki - Tupuna Moeroa Ngamaru and Rongomatane Nicholas Ariki - Nicholas Paenui Te-iti Nicholls received their warrants into the Are Ariki (House of Ariki) from the Queen’s Representative Sir Tom Marsters at a private ceremony on Friday.
Ngamaru Tupuna Ariki and Rongomatane Nicholas Ariki receive their warrants into the Are Ariki (House of Ariki). SUPPLIED/21081334.
Rongomatane Nicholas Ariki was invested with the title on July 19.
Ngamaru Tupuna Ariki was invested on July 16 but there was a challenge to her holding the title made a month prior by Papa Tereaa Katu Okirua. Okirua was invested with the same Ngamaru Ariki title as Ngamaru Tereaa Ariki, in June.