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Koutu Nui looks closely at land laws

Friday 14 May 2021 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local, National


Koutu Nui looks closely at land laws
Koutu Nui president Terea Mataiapo Paul Allsworth and Paroro Mataiapo Rongo Preston at the Koutu Nui workshop discussing land issues yesterday. 21051303.

The Koutu Nui, the country’s traditional sub-chiefs, are looking closely into land laws and plans to make recommendations to Parliament on possible amendments to them.

The Koutu Nui, the country’s traditional sub-chiefs, are looking closely into land laws and plans to make recommendations to Parliament on possible amendments to them.

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Graham Simpson on 16/05/2021

To Terea and committee. Thank you for sharing your concerns regards to land issues. I am a Cook Island who lives overseas. I am happy to say that we appreciated dads forsite. He wanted us to have a good education . I am retired now and i had three companies in Australia. We had inherited Dads land in Raro. It was our heritage. I was so disappointed in so many ways.Dad passed away in 1990, As the oldest in the family, i had to put in our succession to dads land. After i retired in 2010. I went Raro to apply for a piece of land for all my brother and sister. Very hard to get. Went through family meeting. They bought up the comment, that they live on the island and needed the land for their future children etc. I understand where they come from. But it is out heritage. We need to teach our children where we come from. I stayed in Raro to sort out all family land issues and land which have been leased to companies. It is a very sad situation. The law needs to be looked at. The lease and goodwill paid to landowners is outrages. Who these day pay a dollar per year. ? The goodwill they pay out to landowners theses day is terrible. By the time landowners are paid, may come to a one hundred each. I have looked into these companies and done a search into their financial situation regards to paying the landowners rental. I have employed a solicitor and we have found that these companies owed money in back rent in the thousands. And now , these companies have got their solicitor to work out a compromise without taking it to court. Also i have formed a family Corporation to deal with our family land and Businesses. Its still a long way to go. There is greed in all aspects. Outside companies and landowners. I like to add my ideas or suggestions. ( 1) All companies- No lease.Landowners to become part ownership on the business and family land is only on a rental basis. Note= No land is under a Outside Company name. (2) Family landowners- All families overseas has a right to their heritage. If family wish to apply for a piece of land. Then they must apply in person as well as apply for money which is held in the corporation from lease. All families who lives overseas and do not wish to to live in Raro. Can apply for a piece of only for a family home to be built for all of their families overseas as a heritance and a holiday home. No family member or Power of attorney can act on behalf of them in Raro. Note= This will free up further land for the future of our children's in Raro only. All family line must register ther own Family Corporation. All money from leases will eventually cease going to courthouse. Its up to the Corporation to look after their own interest. All of my ideas and comments, gives your committee a platform for discussion and hopefully the government. Only my suggestions. Thank you. Regards (Grandson of Pori Makea and Tepivai Simpson.) Graham Pori Makea Simpson.

Soa Tini on 14/05/2021

Marike e mea rikarika koe taku soa e Papa Paul. God Bless.