Tuesday 6 December 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Entertainment, Local, National
Avaiki Heather, 5, and Anton Jenson, 4, at right, enjoy the Tropical Christmas Santa and Ms Claus at the Punanga Nui Market over the weekend. Picture: TROPICAL CHRISTMAS/22120505
Each week activities, events and special discounts at several stores will feature in the Tropical Christmas calendar.
On Saturday, the new Santa and Ms Claus and their little helper “Georgie” pulled into the Punanga Nui Market in a decorated mini cart sharing Christmas cheer and lollies to the kids.
Tomorrow, the BSP Green Christmas Vibe Day will take place. The event will include lucky dip stations and free ice cream vouchers from 1pm-2pm.
Santa and his helpers will be returning to the Punanga Nui Market this coming Saturday from 8.30am to 11.30am.
Also on Saturday, the CITC Supermarket, Liquor, Foodland, KAPS, Kavera and Oasis will have special Heineken spot prizes
The annual Santa Parade will be held on Thursday, December 15 at 4.30pm. The floats will start the parade from the Constitution Park through town.
Businesses and non-government-organisations (NGO’s) are encouraged to enter a float in the Santa Parade, and volunteers are welcome to wear the Disney character costumes.
Businesses are kindly asked if they could beautify their premises out in Christmas decorations and lights during this festive season.
Tropical Christmas in Raro is a non-profit group which relies on the generous support and donation from community businesses and sponsors.