Wednesday 16 November 2022 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Local, National
Best Dressed team MyBad in the 2022 Bob Boyd Memorial Ambrose. 22111508
Presented by the Rarotonga Rotary Club, the annual Bob Boyd Memorial Ambrose Golf tournament held on Saturday supported Pride Cook Islands and their fight for equal rights for all in the Cook Islands.
Pride Cook Islands is a public campaign supporting efforts to decriminalise same-sex relations in the Cook Islands and raise awareness of the LGBTQI+ community.
Over $10,000 was raised on the day, and since no one scored a ‘Hole In One’ the brand new motor bike donated by Motor Centre was auctioned on the night going for $3000 which is included in the total amount raised.
The Rotary golf fundraiser was originally known as the Presidents Ambrose which had been running since over 20 years ago. It was renamed the Bob Boyd Memorial in 2013 after long serving member Bob Boyd passed away.
Mark Boyd, the son of the late Bob Boyd would like to thank the sponsors and supporters, and teams who dressed up and participated in the tournament.
Appreciation also goes out to Leilani Sadaraka-Gardiner for sourcing prizes, Vanic Teina for MC and auctioneer duties, Motor Centre, and CITC & DB breweries who again came to the party donating 10 cartons of Heineken towards prizes.
Results for the Bob Boyd Memorial are as follows: Best Nett – The 49ners, Best Gross – Complaints Committee, Runner Up Nett – The 19th Hole, Runner Up Gross – 365, Ladies longest drive non golfer – Mavis – BCI Availables, Men’s Longest drive non golfer – Robert – Pinaparas. Best Dressed: 1st MyBad, 2nd Pladzers, 3rd – Villains of the Rainbow; Nearest to the pins won by – Poka Face, Ruatonga heights, Pladzers & Lamour; The most Golf (The wooden spooners) – VSA.