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Vaccine supply low, new shipment expected to arrive today

Friday 21 May 2021 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Health, National


Vaccine supply low, new shipment expected to arrive today
The first batch of Covid-19 vaccines arriving earlier this week. 21051721

Te Marae Ora health ministry is running out of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine doses following an overwhelming response from the public.

Te Marae Ora health ministry is running out of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine doses following an overwhelming response from the public.

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Love You on 22/05/2021

Pls get vaccines to stop deaths, help save lives! Good truly loves u, pls stay safe and get vaccinated asap, do NOT skip 2nd dose of the vaccine, as only after 2 weeks of the 2nd dose you're fully vaccinated +++ keep using a mask to avoid any infections to unvaccinated groups you may have some amounts of virus from previous infections. Eat and exercise healthy to not get any clots. Others and I too love u! Luke 14 :25-33 Forsake everything everyone and your life for JES Luke 16 :13 Work for JES not for $, and then JES will give you also your family food and clothing if they follow too Matthew 25 :34-36 + Matthew 6 :3-4 + Luke 12 :33 Sell all you have and give to the poor who are dying in need, and keep every giving in secret Mark 16 :15 + John 17 :22 Share the Truth to all working together in love also peace Revelation 13 :16-17 + 14 :9-11 Never take mark of the beast right hand or forehead the only way to buy or sell, But it is not a covid vaccine or a mask, may be some microchip implant or quantum tech Revelation 17 :15-18 + 18 :8-10 U.S.A is very possibly the Babylon to be destroyed in 1 hour with fire.