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No new Covid-19 cases reported

Monday 21 February 2022 | Written by Rashneel Kumar | Published in Health, National


No new Covid-19 cases reported
Cars filled with passengers line up to get tested for Covid-19 at Constitution Park last week. PHOTO: CI NEWS/21081712

There were no new Covid-19 cases recorded over the weekend with over 1000 tests carried out last week returning negative, except the four positive cases.

Health ministry Te Marae Ora (TMO) had PCR tested 38 people for the Covid-19 virus on Saturday, all of whom have returned a negative result.

A health spokesperson said there were no tests undertaken yesterday.

In a statement, TMO said the 38 tests taken on Saturday included the day five tests in quarantine for the 12 close contacts to case number one recorded on Sunday, February 13.

“This brings the total number of PCR tests conducted by TMO over the course of Sunday to Saturday, February 13-19, to 1065, with 1061 negative results and four positives,” the statement said.

There are currently four active positive cases of Covid-19 in the Cook Islands, all of whom are in isolation, with a total of 61 close contacts in quarantine.

Passenger travel to Aitutaki remains open, while the suspension of passenger travel to the rest of the Pa Enua has been extended until midnight on Wednesday, February 23.

Further vaccination doses were also available at Rarotonga Hospital on Saturday, with 26 people receiving their first dose, 69 receiving their second dose, 104 their booster and 33 receiving the paediatric dose, for a total of 232 doses administered.

Covid-19 test results for those who have had a PCR test will be sent via text by TMO to the cellphone number provided. Test results will generally be available within 24 hours, but may take up to 48 hours to be processed.

TMO said: “It may not necessarily take the full 48 hours to get your test results back, but you must self-quarantine at your home or accommodation until you are contacted by TMO with your results and given the all-clear.”

“Remember, only those who actually test positive for Covid-19 are deemed to be in isolation, while close contacts of positive cases are placed under quarantine. And as already mentioned, those people waiting on the result of a Covid-19 test should also be self-quarantining as well.”

TMO would like to thank all of those people who have presented themselves for testing and encourage everyone who is either displaying Covid-like symptoms or who has visited a location of interest (see below) at the relevant time to get themselves tested as soon as possible.

TMO will continue to provide periodic public updates on their test numbers and results as the Covid-19 situation in the Cook Islands develops and if any new positive cases emerge.

The current locations (and dates) of interest are as follows (note that some times may overlap): Friday February 11 Police Station (11.30am-12.30pm) OTR (1-2pm) ANZ bank (2-3pm) Party bus from 8.30pm onwards – Hula Bar, Luna Bar, OTR, Rehab, Saturday February 12 Trader Jacks (7-9pm), Tuesday February 15 Air NZ inbound flight NZ946, rows 46-50 Sinai Hall (7-10pm) and Wednesday February 16 Family funeral at Takuvaine home (10.30am-1.30pm) Tupapa Gym (7-8.30pm).