Saturday 5 March 2022 | Written by Caleb Fotheringham | Published in Health, National
(FILE PHOTO) Te Marae Ora Ministry of Health staff conducting Covid-19 tests at the Constitution Park. PHOTO: CALEB FOTHERINGHAM/22030315
Following Te Marae Ora’s (TMO) push to get the whole of Rarotonga tested, over 4000 tests were conducted over the past three days.
Prime Minister Mark Brown in his Covid-19 update yesterday said 35 new cases were identified over this time.
Brown said most of the cases were asymptomatic cases who went to a testing station or were tested at their workplace.
“This is good news for us in two ways. It means that we are picking up potential carriers of the Covid-19 virus that may have otherwise gone undetected, and it also shows that the vaccine most of us have received is doing its job and not only reducing but in many cases eliminating the effects of the virus.”
There are 184 close and household contacts still in quarantine.
PM Brown said close contacts no longer had to be in quarantine.
“Also, as a result of our move away from actively tracing close contacts, our official Locations of Interest list will no longer be added to as regularly,” Brown said.
“With TMO contacting workplaces and other locations directly on a case-by-case basis, depending on how confirmed positive cases have interacted with any other people there.”
However, Brown said it was still “vitally important” that people still tag in with Cook Safe.
“This information will still need to be referred to by TMO depending on how different positive cases have interacted with other people at different locations.”
Brown also thanked all of the 95 people who have tested positive for Covid-19 in the Cook Islands and who have either completed or are currently undergoing their 10 days in isolation.
“I know it is not the easiest of situations to find yourself in, but by sticking to this protocol and following the rules, you are helping keep the rest of us safe and for that you are to be commended,” he said.
“Our Te Marae Ora and Internal Affairs teams will be doing their very best to look after you and make sure you have everything you need, but if you require further assistance in some way or even if you just want someone to talk to, please call the phone numbers that are provided in your information booklet.
“Te rauka nei iaku i te akameitaki ia tatou katoatoa te aru nei te au akanoonoo’anga a te TMO i te paruru ia tatou e pera i te ta marie i te totoo anga o teia maki coviti ki vao.
“Again, I would like to sincerely thank you all for playing your part in helping to protect the Cook Islands and our people from Covid-19.”
Meanwhile the Terevete (Constitution Park) testing station will be open today from 8am to 1pm, with all stations closed for a break on Sunday.