Tuesday 19 November 2024 | Written by Talaia Mika | Published in Church Talk, Features, Local, National
First and only mosque in Cook Islands, Masjid Fatimah Rarotonga – 24111309
Chairman of the Religious Advisory Council (RAC), Thomas Willie, has confirmed that the concerns raised by members of the public about Rarotonga and the Cook Islands having its first-ever mosque will be addressed at a RAC meeting during the first week of December.
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Te Tuhi Kelly on 23/11/2024
The gutless wonders that pass for MP's in our country who suck up to the religious doongies need to realise that the Constitution of the Cook Islands is quite clear, the Cook Islands' constitution guarantees freedom of religion, which includes the right to worship and establish places of worship. Any attempt to close down a mosque without legal grounds could violate these rights and set a dangerous precedent for religious discrimination. Here we have christians who sin 6 days of the work not only in substance but in mind and the hypocrits are judging others.