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Students acknowledged for Tangi Kaara participation

Monday 4 September 2023 | Written by Melina Etches | Published in Art, Education, Features, Local, National


Students acknowledged for Tangi Kaara participation
CITC’s George Williamson presents Apii Takitumu with certificates for the “CITC Pump the Beats” Te 'Emo'anga Tangi Kaara (drumming competition) that was held in July. MELINA ETCHES/23083113

Culture is the “heart” of the CITC (Cook Islands Trading Corporation), and for many years the company has sponsored numerous cultural activities and events.

Proud to be a part of the future for culture and heritage of the nation,  this year CITC and Coca Cola signed with the Tauranga Vananga to sponsor $22,000 over the next three years for the “CITC Pump the Beats” Te 'Emo'anga Tangi Kaara (drumming competition) for schools that was held in July.

CITC Key Brands manager George Williamson has been visiting schools recently to present each student with a special certificate to acknowledge their participation in the tangi kaara event.

Unfortunately for us, when the competition finished the school holidays started, he said.

“As sponsors we are presenting every student who performed in the tangi kaara with a certificate.

“We wanted to recognise the efforts these kids have put in, and their parents should also be proud of their efforts.

“Thanks also goes out to the master drummers who went out to the schools to teach the drum beats.”

On Thursday, Williamson presented Apii Takitumu kids with their certificates.

Ten-year-old Inano Urirau was “happy” to receive her certificate.

“I played the pate, this was my second time to join the competition and it was really good, my brother Joseph was also in our team.

“I like drumming because I really like the beats and the different sounds that each pate makes, and the pau mango and the pau mixed together it amazing,” said Urirau.

Tearea Hunter, also aged 10 had her first go in the team playing the pāte.

“I felt nervous but I enjoyed it, it was fun and I’m happy that I joined in,” said Hunter.

Ten schools participated in the “CITC Pump the Beats” tangi kaara: Apii Avarua, Nikao, Arorangi, Rutaki, Te Uki Ou, Takitumu and Ioteava Peata, Titikaveka College, Nukutere College and Tereora College who had four teams - Te Kou, Ikurangi, Te Manga and Maungaroa.

Williamson will continue to visit schools over the next few weeks to present their certificates.