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Parliament Clerk sparks outrage over deep sea mining statement

Monday 23 September 2024 | Written by Talaia Mika | Published in Environment, National, Parliament


Parliament Clerk sparks outrage over deep sea mining statement
Clerk of Parliament Tangata Vainerere. 24082113

The Clerk of Parliament has come under fire for his comments on a radio talkback show that the Government will inevitably win the seabed mining battle due to its legal authority, despite protests and concerns from the public.

The Clerk of Parliament has come under fire for his comments on a radio talkback show that the Government will inevitably win the seabed mining battle due to its legal authority, despite protests and concerns from the public.

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June Hosking on 23/09/2024

Please listen to your own words Tangata Vainerere - the Crown works ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE. You cannot separate yourself, as the Crown, from the people. The government is elected by the people, for the people. With regards to the Crown, when BBC interviewed me they asked who our Head of State is - the King of the Commonwealth of course. Which has me thinking... years back Princess Di was a massive help in our fight against the production of land mines. Is it possible for our King's Representative to ask the King his personal view on deep sea mining? I suspect he will agree with Sir David Attenborough who said, "The time has now come for us to cherish our green inheritance, not to pillage it - for without it, we will surely perish." Kua tae ki te tuatau no te akaperepereanga i to tatou Aorangi - me kore te reira, ka mate tatou.