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Ministry gathers input for new Education Masterplan

Thursday 11 July 2024 | Written by Losirene Lacanivalu | Published in Education, National


Ministry gathers input for new Education Masterplan
Secretary for Education Owen Lewis at the final round of the Education Masterplan (EMP) consultation at Papaaroa Adventist School. SUPPLIED / 24071019

The Ministry of Education has completed its final rounds of consultation with schools, both in Rarotonga and the Pa Enua, for its new Education Masterplan.

Secretary of Education Owen Lewis said the main round of consultations was undertaken and completed last year.

Lewis says the latest round is aimed at gathering any additional thoughts or areas of concern from schools that may have been missed in previous consultations.

The second round of consultations for Rarotonga schools has been completed, and consultations with Pa Enua and selected stakeholders are expected to be completed by mid-July.

“The Masterplan encompasses the entire education sector/system, including Early Childhood Education (ECE), primary, secondary, and tertiary education,” Lewis explained.

“All Pa Enua schools were consulted last year in person. We will be conducting follow-up consultations via Zoom, which are expected to be completed before mid-July.”

Lewis said the consultations focused on three primary questions:

  • What is your vision for education in the Cook Islands?
  • What values should be included or strengthened in the new Education Strategy?
  • And what future policy proposals need to be included in the new Education Strategy?

Minister for Education Vaine “Mac” Mokoroa had earlier stated that the Masterplan aimed to reset the system by placing a strong emphasis on the first seven years of education, from early childhood onwards.

The new Education Masterplan is supported by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

During last month’s Parliament session, when the $20,742,099 Education budget was passed for the 2024-2025 fiscal year, Minister Mokoroa announced that, with the support of the ADB, a consultant had been appointed to assist with drafting the new Education Masterplan.

He said this plan will focus on:

  • Early Start Matters: Providing high-quality early childhood and primary education to lay a strong foundation for future learning;
  • Preserving Our Identity: Honouring our rich cultural heritage and language, instilling a deep sense of identity and pride in our children for future success.

Mokoroa added: “This plan will encompass in promoting quality educators, ensuring skilled and dedicated, and passionate teachers are at the heart of our education system.”

“A data-driven approach, utilising data-driven decision-making and continuous evaluation to meet the needs of students, communities, and our nation.”