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Cooks toasts World Tourism Day 2023

Wednesday 27 September 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Economy, National


Cooks toasts World Tourism Day 2023
The aerial view of Aitutaki. COOK ISLANDS TOURISM/23051908

Cook Islands Tourism Celebrates World Tourism Day 2023 with the launch of Cook Islands People’s Choice Awards and Opening of Regenerative Tourism Experience.

World Tourism Day, observed annually on September 27, provides a global platform to emphasize and celebrate the vital role of tourism in advancing social, cultural, environmental, and economic well-being.

On this World Tourism Day 2023, we acknowledge the vital role of tourism in our economy.

Cook Islands Tourism CEO, Karla Eggelton, highlights how tourism is evolving to foster a balanced approach that integrates cultural, social, and environmental priorities for long- term resilience and sustainability.

“Tourism is the foundation of our economy, but it’s more than just business. It’s about recognizing that our prosperity is intrinsic and must coexist with preserving our culture, supporting our communities, and safeguarding our environment”.

Cook Islands Tourism (CIT) is delighted to mark World Tourism Day 2023 with two initiatives: the launch of the Cook Islands People’s Choice Awards and the opening of a new visitor experience developed in conjunction with CIT’s ‘Regenerative Experiences Incubator Programme’.

Aligned with this year's theme, "Tourism and Green Investments," these initiatives represent the Cook Islands contributions to the World Tourism Day 2023 festivities.

Director of Sales and Marketing, Noeline Mateariki said; “While our visitors are undoubtedly drawn to our beaches, lagoon, and warm climate, it's the meaningful interactions and memorable moments they take home with them that we aim to highlight with the Cook Islands People’s Choice Awards. Through these awards, we want to celebrate those industry members and raise awareness about the unique Cook Islands experiences they provide, further reinforcing why the Cook Islands' has been named Oceania's Leading Island Destination 2023, as recently recognized by the World Travel Awards”.

Alongside the awards, the Regenerative Experiences Incubator Programme supports both private and community organizations that prioritize environmental, community, and cultural wellbeing by helping to develop ways in which visitors can engage and contribute.

Launched earlier this year as an initial pilot programme, the inaugural recipients included Muri Environment Care, Cook Islands SPCA, Apii Nikao, Dive Rarotonga, and Circle Cook Islands.

The latest of these to launch is an ‘Ecological Restoration Experience' from the team at Muri Environment Care (MEC), which will provide visitors the chance to ‘Experience the intersection of education, ecological restoration, art, and hands-on engagement’ through

their plant nursery and stream/coastal planting activity options. The CIT team are delighted to see the launch coincide with World Tourism Day; “This fantastic project aims to identify and develop opportunities for visitors to have a positive impact on our people and place”, says Director of Destination Development, Brad Kirner.

Cook Islands Tourism extends an invitation to all visitors, industry partners, and community to celebrate today by having your voice heard. Nominate a business or individual that went above and beyond to ensure you received an outstanding experience. Online nominations for the Cook Islands People’s Choice Awards are now open. Simply visit to nominate an individual or business that made a lasting impression on you. For more information on the Regenerative Experiences Incubator Programme visit

Muri Environment Care launches ‘ecological restoration experience’

In celebration of World Tourism Day today, Muri Environment Care (MEC) are thrilled to announce the launch of their Ecological Restoration Experience.  

Developed in collaboration with Cook Islands Tourism Corporation (CIT) through their ‘Regenerative Experiences Incubator Programme’, MEC will be offering two different regenerative tourism experiences, both of which focus on building a greener, more vibrant future for the Cook Islands through environmental stewardship, sustainable tourism, and cultural preservation.

Head Ecologist at MEC, Brennan Panzarella, was excited to start welcoming visitors after months of hard-work behind the scenes.

Panzarella said; “Our Ecological Restoration Experience will invite visitors to step into a vibrant conservation initiative that offers far more than just volunteering.  Guests will experience the intersection of education, ecological restoration, art, and hands-on engagement.  Our project embodies creativity, a thriving plant conservation nursery, riparian and coastal restoration efforts, and an enriching education space”

Every week will offer fresh challenges and adventures, with Wednesday’s dedicated to activities at MEC’s Takitumu nursery located in Turangi, and Thursday’s seeing visitors participate in on-site planting and site maintenance in nearby streambeds or coastal areas of importance. 

A suggested donation of $20pp is greatly appreciated, with all proceeds directed straight back to ecological operations, and towards further development of MEC’s multi-purpose ecological education centre.

The Cook Islands Tourism team were delighted to see the launch of MEC’s visitor experiences coincide with World Tourism Day; “The Regenerative Experiences Incubator Programme aims to identify and develop opportunities for visitors to have a positive impact on our people and place”, says CIT's Director of Destination Development, Brad Kirner. 

“Congratulations to the MEC team who have created an exceptional visitor experience that will help preserve Rarotonga’s unique natural beauty and rich cultural heritage for generations to come.  We look forward to identifying similar opportunities to help ensure that tourism brings holistic, long-term benefits to the Cook Islands”.

Muri Environment Care ‘Ecological Restoration Experience’ Highlights

  • Starts at 9am and will finish at midday
  • Engaging in stream restoration and monitoring activities to protect Rarotonga's diverse ecosystems and support community-led conservation initiatives
  • Planting natives, tropical fruits, flowers and culturally significant Vaka plants while learning about their unique characteristics and importance to the Cook Islands
  • Discovering ancestral wisdom and the traditional uses of various plant species in traditional foods, medicine, building materials, and daily life. Release.