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Police arrest five, record new high for breach of alcohol limit

Monday 13 March 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Court, Crime, National


Police arrest five, record new high for breach of alcohol limit
Police were called to the scene at 7.35pm where the driver had clipped a power pole and run off the road near bushes in Tupapa. He was breathalysed at 1250mcg/L. POLICE MEDIA/23031206

Police arrested five people over the weekend, including one male suspect, who is alleged to have threatened a shopkeeper with scissors on Friday evening.

That suspect, known to Police, was apprehended on Saturday, following an incident in which he had reportedly taken drinks without paying after threatening the attendant.

Two of the other arrests were drivers involved in motor vehicle crashes, including one breathalysed at 1250 micrograms (mcg) of alcohol per litre of breath, police said in a statement. 

The first occurred at Nikao early Saturday morning on the back road opposite the airport.  

“The driver, who had run off road in his truck and into a drain tested over the legal limit for alcohol. He was remanded into custody and bailed later on Saturday to appear in court, this coming week,” Police said.

The second crash occurred at Tupapa Saturday night. Police were called to the scene at 7.35pm where the driver had clipped a power pole and run off the road near bushes. He was breathalysed at 1250 mcg/L – hitting a new high for breaches of the alcohol limit before being remanded into custody.  

A third driver was also remanded into prison early yesterday morning after he was stopped by Police near town. He was tested at nearly four times the limit. A fourth driver was arrested and processed yesterday, following the return of blood analysis results from an earlier crash, some weeks ago.