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Annandale now a barrister

Wednesday 28 December 2022 | Written by Al Williams | Published in Court, National


Annandale now a barrister
Solicitor General Lauaki Jason Annandale. 22110816

Recently appointed Deputy Solicitor General Lauaki Jason Annandale, now acting in the top job, has been admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the High Court, taking an oath in a ceremony on Rarotonga.

Annadale was joined by family and friends at the Ministry of Justice building in Avarua on Friday in front of Chief Justice Patrick Keane.

Justice Keane addressed the gathering via video conferencing as Annadale took the oath, swearing to uphold the constitution of the Cook Islands.

There were some light moments as Justice Keane, from a big screen, said Annandale would normally approach the bench to have his photograph taken with the Justice.

“I’m sure there is software that can make you look pretty,” Annadale joked.

He thanked Justice Keane and his staff, then mentioned his family from Samoa were in attendance.

Moving counsel Jana Epati,, who was in court to support Annadale, was also thanked.

Annadale also thanked the Cook Islands Law Society, Crown Law staff for helping him settle in, his family, and his new family in the Cook Islands.   

Annandale has blood links to the Cook Islands, and while being a proud Samoan, he is keen to explore his blood connections to the Strickland family.

Annandale is a graduate in law of the University of Victoria in Wellington and is also a qualified engineer.

Departing Solicitor General Graham Leung told Cook Islands News last month that Annandale’s skill set was impressive.

Leung said Annadale brings strong academic and professional credentials.

Combined with the heart of a Pacific islander, he expected Annandale would be a huge asset to the office.