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Church Talk

God hears the cries of the innocent

Friday 9 February 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Church Talk, Features


God hears the cries of the innocent
“And He (God) said, what hast thou done? The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto Me from the ground … Kua tuatua maira Aia (te Atua), I aa na koe? Te kapiki maira te reo o te toto o toou teina Kiaku, mei te one maira.” – Genesis 4: 8 -12.

“And He (God) said, what hast thou done? The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto Me from the ground … Kua tuatua maira Aia (te Atua), I aa na koe? Te kapiki maira te reo o te toto o toou teina Kiaku, mei te one maira.” – Genesis 4: 8-12.

One of the biggest issues that has caused disputes, wars and bloodsheds throughout the history of mankind has been, still is and will always be, over land and territorial rights. We are never too far off from the truth even to generalise, presume and assume that disputes and arguments which often break out into fights and wars amongst tribal, racial and ethnic factions throughout the world and human history has often been to do with lands, frontiers and territories which today extends even into the open seas and oceans. It is therefore no surprise to see wars still extensively waging and more destructive between Russia and Ukraine, and of late between Hamas and Israel creating repercussions through protests, riots and sending shockwaves to all other neighbouring rival countries and nations.

Although we as Bible believers and fellow Christians know of our Godly rights as human custodians and stewards over God’s creation but still overstep our marks through greed, covetousness and impartiality. We have heard and read so many stories of the injustices and abuses which so often lashed out in some most barbaric, brutal and genocidal manner and actions often by the stronger factions easily overpowering the less fortunate weaker ones. The defeated flee for their lives or driven into exiles, mistreated and enslaved if by chance some survive while the rest suffer hunger, sicknesses, injurious wounds and die. Children get separated from their parents, families from one another, many young and old into forced labours under evil and wicked foreign taskmasters.

Some good stories of confessions, repentance, restitutions, reconciliations and restorations were reached and settled, while in some cases compromises, agreements, promises and treaties also reached and signed.

Whatever forms of injustices, abuses, defrauds, mistreatments, unjust deaths there might have been caused and committed, seen or unseen, known or unknown brings me to this Genesis story of two brothers named Cain and Abel. Never before have I ever seen it from this perspective that the voice of an innocent victim’s blood, buried dead, can reach the ears of our Creator God. Both born of the same father and mother, both hard working and God-believing brothers, the older a tiller of the land or planter while the younger a keeper of sheep or shepherd. Accountable to God in all they did, time came for them to show gratitude and thanksgiving to their God, for Cain, the older, an offering of the fruits of the land while Abel, the younger, the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof.

Like all parents, we all have special discernments into the lives of each of our children, so did God into the hearts of both Cain and Abel – respected Abel’s offering but not Cain’s. Cain, who was always self-willed, failed to bring a sin offering and got angry with God when his was not accepted, turned his frustration and vengeance to his brother, killed him, lied to God, refused to confess and sought forgiveness. He remained hard-headed, lived the rest of his life in self-righteousness devoid of God and family.

At home, I give thanks to our New Zealand High Commissioner Her Excellency Tui Dewes for including me amongst the invited guests who were accorded the honour and privilege to be present at another Treaty of Waitangi 184th Anniversary Celebration up at her residence in Ngatipa on Wednesday evening.

I was honoured to be asked to lead the opening prayer. The presence of the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand, Winston Peters, and the Minister of Health and of Pacific Peoples, Dr. Shane Reti, added a special blessing to the event. Both ministers gave moving and encouraging speeches, assuring us of continued collaboration and strengthening of our cultural, health, political, and socio-economic ties with New Zealand. Prime Minister Mark Brown also provided a warm response, despite their brief stopover on their way from Tonga to Samoa. He appreciated the opportunity for personal dialogue, discussions, and visits to our Ministry of Health, introduced to future development plans for the Punanga Nui Market – Te Tapora Kai Market. They participated in several other activities throughout the day in Rarotonga, culminating in the Celebration of Te Tiriti O Waitangi.

All in all, there is not a country and people who had not come through drastic and dramatic challenges over land issues and concerns. Many indigenous people of every land suffered much through lack or having little knowledge on land deals. Added to my message of the night was a message of hope for all local indigenous leaders and people to see and appreciate our children becoming more educated, graduating from universities with Masters, PhDs, Doctorates and Professors who shall be able to read and understand the fine lines and minute details on whatever land laws, legislations, agreements, treaties are made and signed for a more secured and protected heritage.

Let us never forget that our Creator God hears the cries of every innocent victim, whether seen or unseen, living or lost. Our God whom we pitch our trust and confidence in says, “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord” (Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19 and Jude 7).

Cain thought he got away from his evil and wicked deed, murdering his own brother and spilling his innocent blood in the ground out of jealousy, anger, greed and covetousness. His evil and wickedness caught up on him, though unseen and unknown but God saw and knew – what’s worst he ended up becoming a wanderer, a vagabond the rest of his life, and what’s the end of that but hell and eternal fire forever. How many of our forefathers whose innocent blood were shed by evil and wicked people, God hears the cries of their blood too. How many of our ancestors be they NZ Maori, Aboriginal, American Indians, Indians, Africans, Asians, Europeans, Islanders, whatever race and ethnicity they may be, our God of the Bible Jesus Christ hears and sees all – He will repay. But we must all put our trust in Him for Him to do what He has promised to do.

Let’s be good custodians and stewards over God’s creation and be equal and fair to all people, get saved in Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Saviour – we shall forever rest in peace, knowing that death nor the grave is not our end, but He who is the Resurrection and Life awaits to judge all with righteousness and truth.

God bless our beloved paradise Cook Islands and save our generation and all generations following after us, to believe in Jesus Christ, repent of their sins in Jesus Christ, baptised in Jesus Christ and receive the precious gift of the Holy Ghost who is Jesus Christ, the Spirit of our Eternal God, Amen! 

  • Bishop Tutai Pere of the Apostolic Church