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Church Talk

CHURCHTALK: The blueprint of Christianity

Friday 22 October 2021 | Written by Supplied | Published in Church Talk, Features


CHURCHTALK: The blueprint of Christianity
Cook Islanders celebrating Gospel Day commemorating the arrival of Christianity to Cook Islands’ shores on October 26, 1821. 20102619

We cannot deny nor dispute the fact that our forebears were at one time or another, and so were some us today, by products and fruit of the London Missionary Society, writes Bishop Tutai Pere.

“And are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, and Jesus Christ being the Chief Cornerstone” – Ephesians 2: 20.

A blueprint is an original masterplan of anything that we see around us, in creation, in the community or the whole world we live in. Every house, building, furniture, vehicle, boat, ship, aeroplanes and all computerised equipment and products have some original masterplan to their making and construction. Science dissects insects, animals, reptiles, birds, fishes, humans, trees, flowers, under microscopic research and tests, drawing detailed diagrams to reveal of their total make up and structure.

Our chosen 2021 Constitutional Celebration theme was such that it depicts and highlights 200 years Anniversary Celebration of the arrival of Christianity into the Cook Islands, tracing its historic root back to its first landing on the island of Aitutaki on October 26, 1821, thus our Maire Maeva Nui Celebration theme was entitled: ‘Te Tama Uá A Te Ui Ariki, te Evangelia – the Beloved Son of the High Chiefs, the Gospel of Jesus Christ’. 
On checking with Uncle Google’s calendar year, that day showed as Friday, October 26, 1821 on Aitutaki; then to Atiu on 19 July 1823, Mitiaro 21 July 1823, Mauke 23 July 1823, Rarotonga         25 July 1823, Mangaia 15 June 1824, Manihiki 8 August 1849, Rakahanga 15 August 1849, Penrhyn 13 March 1857, Pukapuka, Nassau       6 December 1857 and finally Palmerston on 25 May 1863.

This covered 42 years of spreading Christianity throughout the 12 inhabited islands of the Cooks Group, except only the three unpopulated islands of Suwarrow, Takutea and Manuae.

For a truly born Cook Islander, born, bred and raised in the Cook Islands, religiously speaking, whether we claim ourselves as members of the CICC Cook Islands Christian Church, Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, Assemblies of God, Apostolic, Bible Society, Holy Spirit Revival, Cornerstone, New Life Revival Church, New Hope, New Joy, New Song, Celebration on the Rock, Bahai, Jehovah’s Witness and so forth, we cannot deny nor dispute the fact that our forebears were at one time or another, and so were some us today, by products and fruit of the London Missionary Society. Having said that, and taking into more aligned historical perspective, all who believe in the Bible or Hebrew Holy Scripture are influenced as Judaeo Christian believers including all of the over 3000 so-called Christian Churches and Denominations globally. As there are 4200 different religions worldwide, a little over 3000 different denominations are classified as so-called Christians. All therefore can only find its total and absolute fulfilment in Jesus Christ, the Promised Messiah and Christ, the Immanuel God Incarnated, the very Blueprint of Christianity. All Christian Churches worldwide must all align themselves to the original blueprint or masterplan ushered in on Pentecost Sunday as recorded in the Book of Acts Chapter two, A.D 33. The very first Christian Church born and originated of its Founder Jesus Christ, 50 days after his Resurrection and Ascension into heaven, poured his Holy Spirit upon the very first 120 believers in the Upper Room in Jerusalem, that same day 3000 more were added, baptised in Jesus Christ and received the Holy Ghost, hence its spread from Jerusalem and all over Judea, into Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth. The foundation was laid upon the faith of the Apostles and Jesus Christ himself being the Chief Cornerstone.

In conclusion, the Fine Blueprint is:

  1. Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone,
  2. The Apostles and Prophets, the Doctrinal Foundation,
  3. Building fitly framed together, to an Holy Temple in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:20-22),
  4. All together, an Habitation of God through the Spirit of Christ (1 Corinthians 6: 19-22). The Apostle Paul declares, “For by one Spirit are ye all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit” (1 Corinthian 12:13). And in Colossians 2: 9 & 10, “For in Him (Jesus Christ) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power”. Jesus Christ alone is the key to salvation and eternal life.

God bless the Cook Islands as we together celebrate our Bicentenary Celebration of the first arrival of Christianity into our shores, by it we have emerged from darkness into God’s marvellous light as we continue moving on to perfection in Christ Jesus Amen, and Amen!