Friday 3 January 2025 | Written by Supplied | Published in Church Talk, Features
This model reflects the value of love, fidelity and mutual support that are essential for family life.
Mary – The faithful Mother
Mary embodies humility, obedience and unwavering faith. Mary holds a central position in the Holy Family as the earthly mother of God.
In Luke chapter 1, verses 26 to 38, known as the Annunciation “Angel Gabriel greeted her, Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you”. The Bible portrays Mary, the mother of Jesus, with a range of characteristics that reflect her role in God’s plan.
Joseph – The model of righteousness and protector
St. Joseph, as the husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus, plays a crucial role in safeguarding the Holy Family. He is described as a just man who exemplifies kindness, humility and the ordinary virtues necessary for genuine Christian living.
Joseph’s characteristics include:
Also, Joseph is portrayed as a diligent worker, he is known as a carpenter by profession. “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary?” (Mk. 6:3) This indicates that Joseph instilled a strong work ethic in Jesus, contributing to his upbringing.
Jesus – The Centre of the Holy Family
Jesus is the focal point of the Holy Family, being both fully Divine and fully human. His life and teachings reveal the nature of God and the path to salvation. The relationship between Jesus, Mary, and Joseph is characterised by mutual respect and love, with Jesus growing in wisdom and stature under the guidance of his parents.
Jesus’ characteristics include:
The Holy Family as a model for all families
In today’s world, families face numerous challenges, including economic hardships, social pressures and the erosion of traditional values. The Holy Family serves as a good example as a guiding light for contemporary families navigating these difficulties.
The Holy Family experienced poverty, danger and persecution, yet their love and fidelity to one another and to God remained steadfast. This resilience offers hope and encouragement to families today, reminding them that it is not the absence of trials that define a happy family, but the love and commitment with which they confront these challenges together.
Unity, prayer and mutual support are essential components of family. As a domestic church, families are called to be places of prayer and formation, where children learn the virtues of faith, love and service.