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Church Talk

Church Talk: Standing with Israel

Friday 20 October 2023 | Written by Supplied | Published in Church Talk, Features


Church Talk: Standing with Israel
About 200-300 people gathered at Terevete Park on Wednesday night to pray for “the situation in Israel against the sickening acts of Hamas”. SUPPLIED/23101902

Growing up in a Pacific Island Church in Papakura, I have semi-fond memories as a 10-year-old memorising Psalm 46 – the whole chapter for our annual “Irava Tatou”. I say semi-fond, for while I am immensely grateful now, as a passionate follower of Jesus, Psalm 46 is ingrained in my heart. However, that wasn’t the attitude I had when I was 10, no siree! Paul Kauri, lead pastor at The Arepua Gateway Assembly of God Church writes.

I didn’t know it then, but this was my first introduction to God’s joy of, and commitment to Israel. Listen to what it says:

“There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High Dwells. God is within her and she will not fall, God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall, God speaks and the earth melts. The LORD Almighty is with us, The God of Jacob is our fortress.” Psalm 46:4-7

In case you missed it, the City referred to here, is Jerusalem. God dwells within her and she will not fall, and at break of dawn The Almighty comes to her aid!

But God kept me on this journey revealing also His love and faithfulness to the covenants He spoke thousands of years earlier. In 1989 when Iraq invaded Kuwait for their oil, it was America who came to her aid to fight against Saddam Hussain’s armies. Knowing that he could not match America’s might, Saddam’s ploy was to elicit the help of the surrounding Arab nations by attacking Israel. America protected Israel so that she did not have to fight Iraq, keeping this situation from becoming a Holy War (a Middle Eastern term).

During that war many people around the world rallied together in prayer, similar to the 200-300 people gathered in Terevete Park on Wednesday night to pray for this current situation in Israel against the sickening acts of Hamas.

As I was praying for the situation in Kuwait, The Lord spoke to me and said, “Paul, pray according to my covenant.” I was very young in the Lord and did not know what He meant, I replied, “Lord, what covenant?”

This is when I learnt of the Covenant God made with Abraham in Gen 12:2-3 (I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you and all the nations of the earth will be blessed through you). During the Kuwait war, America was blessed, it did not end well for Iraq or Saddam, and Israel was protected, “God is within her and she will not fall, God will help her at break of day” God had not forgotten His covenant and He is still faithful to it today!

My heart for Israel grew over the years as I partnered with God in prayer for her.

A few years later, during a lunch break, as I was reading Romans 11, my heart was stirred yet again, for God’s purpose that all Israel will be saved, and we ought not to take our position and salvation for granted. It was also at this point that my heart was stirred to see God calling his people back to her from the far corners of the earth, what is known as Aliyah.

Watching what God was doing and His invitation for me to co-labour with Him through prayer is difficult for me to put in words, but I will say that it certainly was part of God’s process to making me, as He still is to this day.

Over the years it is blindingly obvious that many are opposed to Israel, and at times these ones cannot be reasoned with neither from a historical, humanitarian or spiritual view. And certainly, the narrative in the world today is filled with ignorance and pure evil, which fuels this current situation in the Gaza strip and the deplorable actions of Hamas on women and children irrespective of their nationality!

And over the years I have watched as this demonic antisemitism has grown even in our shores of the Cook Islands. But God has declared both to Israel and to all who would hear, “God is within her and she will not fall, God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall, God speaks and the earth melts. The LORD Almighty is with us, The God of Jacob is our fortress.”

God has also declared in His covenant to Abraham, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you and all the nations of the earth will be blessed through you”

This should also serve as a warning to all nations, if you want to be blessed, then bless Israel, if you mean her harm – you’re in deep yoghurt! History has revealed God’s faithfulness to this covenant. I am thankful to God that there are many in the Cook Islands who ‘Stand with Israel’ and are not ashamed to seek God publicly in prayer on a matter that is dear to God’s heart, even if our government remains silent on their position with Israel.

Today countless billions have encountered the greatest blessing of all, the salvation which comes from the Jews namely through Christ.

Many have come to know their true identity in Him regardless of race, gender, social status, or their past.

Many have been set free from the prisons of addictions and the tortures of being trapped! Many can testify to the joy of being released after being held captive to the torments of the inner battles, while many more have come to know a Great Purpose in Christ, to such a degree that they considered it an honour to literally lay down their lives for the One who laid down His life for us!

And so, the blessing for all nations can be seen in many ways when one pauses to give it some thought. But, from the many, who have encountered Him, throughout the ages including those who were in the era of BC (Before Christ). From those who have learnt to trust Him, and who have bowed their knee to His Lordship, who have walked with Him through the highs and lows, they would all point to Christ, being the Blessings above all other blessings.

He is only a prayer away for those searching for freedom, hope, healing, purpose and life.

I pray you encounter Him.