Friday 17 May 2024 | Written by Supplied | Published in Church Talk, Features
It was not easy for Messiah, who is referred to as the last Adam, to endure what he did on the cross to fix what was broken by the first Adam.
It’s titled ‘Justice and Righteousness’, with this note attached: “Justice fixes what is Broken, Righteousness builds what is Possible. You can build what is Possible IF you’ve given yourself to what is Broken.”
I heard this quote from a well-known international speaker – and it just resonated with me, that it caused a litany of memories to run through my mind where I had witnessed God fix what was broken and then in His Righteousness and over time, I sat in the joy and awe, deeply grateful for what He was building, a future filled with hope, for us and the generations after us.
When we consider the first relationship that was broken between God and Adam and then consequently all creation, a sacrifice was made. Hence the clothing made from the animal hide for Adam and Eve, wasn’t just to cover their nakedness, but the blood of the animal also covered over their sin. Before Christ laid down His life, this sacrifice was constantly needed and even then, only the High Priest could enter the very Presence of God, once a year.
However, when the perfect Lamb of God, offered up His own life on the cross, dealing to sin once and for all, justice was paid in full. And now, when we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, (Faithful to forgive when we confess, and Just because Justice was paid) to forgive our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness 1John 1:9. And because justice was met on that cross by the sacrifice of Christ, we now have access to The Father through the Son 24/7. Akameitaki tatou te Atua.
This theme of “Justice and Righteousness” was a deeply personal revelation to me seven years ago in our battle against cancer. I intentionally say “our battle” because my wife was with me the whole time in that difficult season. The Lord revealed great things to me that I am convinced, that had I not gone through the battle against cancer, I’m not sure I would have seen them.
Furthermore, it wasn’t just what I had learned during that period, or the revelation given to me by God but rather that God had changed me through that trial, and I knew it.
To state the obvious it must be said, that to fix something you must admit it’s broken. In Bible language that’s called confession. That’s how our relationship with Christ was fixed – we confessed our sins, and as our Saviour, He saved us, and now He has become our Lord.
But to understand how significant this subject is to God then we must look to the very nature of God.
Firstly, the very foundation of God’s Throne is justice and righteousness, as the Psalmist says, “Clouds and thick darkness are all around him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne.” Psalm 97:2
This tells us something about God’s nature as a Judge executing decisions for all.
Why do you think satan is called the accuser of the brethren? He is not just pointing out the faults in the people God is working through so that we feel disqualified that God should even think of working through us. But he is also challenging the very nature of God, whose throne is founded on righteousness and justice. So, his challenge of God’s decision to use us, even more, to bless us despite our faults is an affront to heaven as much as it is to accuse us.
Praise God for Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross, that upon our confession of sins, He who knew no sin, became sin so that now, in Christ, we have become the righteousness of God. (Worship Him, for He is worthy of it all)
In my early days of walking with Christ, there were two very close relationships that for various reasons were broken, my father and my girlfriend who became my wife.
With my father, I had to forgive him and release him from the prison I had built for him which only served as my prison where I was tortured by resentment, anger, and hatred – my heart was very sick. When I gave myself to the process of forgiving my father to fix what was broken, the possibilities of what could be built in righteousness have been a blessing to Tania and I, our children, and our grandchildren. But I must mention that this process took four years to be fixed and our relationship fully restored! Twenty-two (22) years of unforgiveness and resentment in the heart can take a while to heal.
With my wife, who was my girlfriend at the time the Lord had to walk and talk me through this and He graced me/helped me to be patient, and to persevere. I praise God for my pastor at the time who was a tremendous support for a new Christian. But again, the fixing of what was broken at that time took seven years to be fully healed.
It seems to me that the closer the relationships and the longevity of the brokenness have a bearing on the time and the depth of healing of what has been broken. It is never easy, but then, matters of the heart never are.
It was not easy for Messiah, who is referred to as the last Adam to endure what he did on the cross to fix what was broken by the first Adam. However, the rewards far outweigh the short period of pain and can set generations free.
Justice was paid in full when Jesus gave himself on the cross to meet the righteous requirements of the law. When we apply that to the broken relationships in our lives, we set the stage for ourselves to build what is possible.
As you read this Talk – who are the people, that the Lord is quickening to heart, that you need to give yourself to what is broken?
‘Justice fixes what is Broken, Righteousness builds what is Possible.
You can build what is Possible IF you’ve given yourself to what is Broken’
Please let us know how we can pray for you.