Fearless Cook Islands heroes and heroines of all ages are encouraged to audition for Film Raro2 who are back in Rarotonga looking for a cast of characters.
Cook Islands composers are prepared to take centre stage this month in the prestigious Tauranga Vananga/Ministry of Cultural Development Te Pae Tai Nui Mire Atu original Māori song composers competition.
A Cook Islands artefact is the leading display piece on auction at Bonhams, a private San Francisco auction house, next month. It is part of Bonhams first auction devoted solely to Oceanic art, which launches on February 11. The Cook Islands artefact will join 150 other pieces from Polynesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, Indonesia and Australia at […]
The first haircut for a child has special significance in certain cultures and religions. It can be considered a rite of passage or a milestone. Here we highlight some of the haircutting rituals by different cultural groups around the world sourced from Wikipedia. A Chinese baby often receives its first haircut at the end of […]
The reasons for haircutting ceremonies and its history in the Cook Islands vary from island to island and family to family. One thing that is for sure is that the ceremony brings extended families and communities together in honour of ancestors past and futures yet to be written. Puna Rakanui, emcee at the recent haircutting […]
Five-year-old Ezekiel Tuatea Tatuava-Enjoy is still getting used to his new shorter haircut after the young Atiu warrior had his locks cut in a traditional ceremony on Saturday, January 7. While Ezekiel, the son of Annabelle and Masterton Enjoy, understands that cutting his hair for the first time was a special occasion and big deal […]
Auditions for talent contest The H Factor will begin next weekend, launching the competitions search for the Cook Islands best singer. The first round of auditions will be held at Hidies Bar from 2pm, giving hopefuls two chances at impressing the competitions judges and being selected for the competitions live shows. Contestants are being asked […]
Aitutaki hits Berlins big screen next month. Filmmaker Nikki Siulepa, daughter of Island Hoppers Ronnie Siulepa, will be attending the 62nd Berlinale Film Festival, to which her film Snow in Paradise has been accepted. Snow in Paradise, which was shot on location in Aitutaki last year using a local cast and crew, has been chosen […]
In this week’s Kids Page column we feature more creative writing by Apii Te Uki Ou students published in the school’s 2011 end of year magazine. Schools and teachers are invited to contribute to this page by emailing: matariki@cookislandsnews.com Snappy teeth to chew people. Strong feet to swim. Needs to be big to scare people. […]
Its been another great year at the Esther Honey Foundation and we want to say meitaki maata to all those who have supported the clinic whether it was in financial support, adopting a new friend, offering your time and so on. We really appreciate all the help we get. When I talk to tourists who […]
The housie mamas from Roadhouse in Arorangi have donated $1500 to the Esther Honey Foundation. Volunteer workers are pictured above accepting the donation. Proceeds from Wednesday night Housie games go toward caring for the animals of the Cook Islands this is not a one-off occurrence, says Gregg Young of Esther Honey Foundation. Roadhouse Housie also […]
Eight-year-old Yvette Turua received the Christmas present of her life this December, winning $10,000 through the Tupapa-Maraerenga Panthers rugby league clubs major annual fundraiser. Having found out on Christmas Eve that her ticket was the winner, Yvette and her family spent all Christmas Day letting the win from a $20 ticket sink in. The inevitable […]
Make-up application can be a tedious process, and in the summer months when its hot enough to melt the make-up off many a face can feel hopeless. But Motea Spa & Salon is offering a new service for those who want to look made-up but are tired of doing the making-up. Moteas beauty consultant Irene […]
Ana Tiraa was looking for a challenge and she got one directing the new climate change division within the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM). Tiraa began working at the OPM in October last year, and is still in the process of determining exactly how the new climate change unit will be established. Her appointment […]
Tourism operators looking to raise awareness of their products in Australia are being asked to put their cooking hats on, prepare for take-off, ready the spas and think green. Cook Islands Tourism Corporation Australia office is currently searching for tourism industry members who want their story included in the markets trade newsletter. Tourism operators are […]
Drumming group Te Vaerua Kuki Airani from Tereora set out to circle the island with drums beating and wishes of a prosperous New Year on Monday, January 2. The drummers were one of a number of groups that circled the island to celebrate the New Year in customary style.
In today’s Kids Page we feature more wonderful and creative writing by students of Apii Te Uki Ou in Turangi. Travelling lions all know that a Sensible lion must not ride on a boat. Boats are not for big sharp teeth, Imagine all the people running and Screaming! I wonder how many people hide and […]
There is a freedom to life in the Cook Islands and much of this is what makes people want to live here. There is a feeling of safety, enough to let children wander out of sight when in other countries they would never leave your side, and to enjoy the wind blowing through your hair […]
Local DJ Eddie Eddilicious Chambers DJs at Big Day Out, one of Aucklands biggest music festivals. Samoan hip-hop legend King Kapisi releases a music video for Salvation, which was shot on location at Pacific Resort Rarotonga, the Punanga Nui marketplace and in Muri lagoon. A Japanese film crew from Osakas MBS, which broadcasts a Saturday […]
If I was one of, The ALL BLACKS Id run down the field And score a try against South Africa And the ALL BLACKS Will win! I am in my house reading a Good book then a noise started. My tired dad snoring away. My busy my washing the dishes. My scary dogs barking noisily. […]
A cookbook written by Paddy Walkers daughter Michal McKay has been awarded Cookbook of the Year at New Zealands Gourmand Awards, making it a contender for the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in Paris in March. Yesterday McKay, who is holidaying with her mum for the festive season, received advice that the book has been shortlisted […]
Following the National Partys landslide win in New Zealands recent government elections, list MP Alfred Ngaro has become the first Cook Islander in Aotearoas parliament. Ngaro (45), who was born in Auckland to Cook Islands parents, delivered his maiden speech in the Beehive on December 21, New Zealand time. Chanting a pe’e and honouring his […]