Fearless Cook Islands heroes and heroines of all ages are encouraged to audition for Film Raro2 who are back in Rarotonga looking for a cast of characters.
Cook Islands composers are prepared to take centre stage this month in the prestigious Tauranga Vananga/Ministry of Cultural Development Te Pae Tai Nui Mire Atu original Māori song composers competition.
Divers practicing blackwater photography are helping marine scientists gain new insights into fish larvae. By Erik Olsen from The New York Times.
An official parade attended by dignitaries, past police commissioners and police personnel was held yesterday morning to mark the 50th anniversary of women in Cook Islands Police.
Curiosity, fear, uncertainty, hardship, perseverance, isolation, hope, strength of community – Cook Islands News looks back at 12 months of Covid-19.
Fifty years ago, two young women Jane Tauariki Tuavera and Makirua Luka graduated in the Cook Islands Police on March 29th 1971 – they paved the way for women policing in the country.
Artist Joan Gragg reveals the beauty of everyday life in the Cook Islands in her latest collection of paintings.
A traditional Cook Islands breakfast is a most enjoyable and fun-flavoured effort. By Mereana Hutchinson.
When the champion free diver Alexey Molchanov stepped onto ice on Lake Baikal in southern Siberia on March 16, the sky was cobalt blue. The sun illuminated the surrounding mountains, the wind was light and the air a balmy minus 10 Celsius. It was the perfect day for a swim, and an opportunity to break yet another world record. Via The New York Times.
Mango trees, like their famous palm tree counterparts in Pacific folklore, are a quixotic icon of Island fantasy, their imposing physical stature and delicious, fragrant fruit have few equals.
Cook Islands’ Bergman Gallery was again the only Pacific based gallery that took part in the Auckland Art Fair at the centre of the community Covid-19 outbreak. By Rachel Smith.
A recent confrontation between a Government MP and a Rarotonga market stall operator over the harvesting of Avake (sea urchin) has revived calls to give traditional conservation practices greater authority by incorporating them into law.
Meeting British royalty – Prince Edward, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, working as a radio announcer/reporter and acting are a few highlights of Tereapii Enua’s inspiring life.
There are many ways to use breadfruit in your cooking, and baked kuru chips with curried lentil soup is one of my favourites, writes Alana Fonmanu.
As of late, our digital readers may have noticed some interesting content on cookislandsnews.com.
International Women’s Day (IWD) began in 1911 and was officially adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 1975. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. On Monday the local women groups celebrated the event with presentations from six inspirational members who spoke on the theme #ChooseToChallenge.
Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency’s Moana Voices series on women shaping the future of oceanic fisheries is edited, researched and produced by Lisa Williams.
The late Ngaingatara Tupa also known as Mama Ngai wore many hats during her lifetime.
As we continue in our mortal journey here on earth, and especially during these trying and challenging times, let us all look for opportunities to give a little of ourselves, writes John Mateara of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Cook Islands men returning from overseas have been a source of fashion innovation for almost 200 years. Long before Bluff white boots and gangster wear, Rarotongan sailors helped revolutionise the formless, shapeless world of missionary clothing.
As government works towards two-way quarantine-free travel with New Zealand by the end of the month, local businesses are getting desperate and many say they can’t survive much longer without tourists. Yet even with a bubble, they face unprecedented challenges in an uncertain environment.
Former Miss Cook Islands and Miss South Pacific Joyana Finch recently released a book ‘Buzz the Electron’ on Amazon. Just weeks after its release, Finch saw the book rise to number one in the ‘Children’s electricity and electronic’ category on Amazon. It has received a five-star rating.