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Church Talk



Film Raro2 casting call open to all ages

Fearless Cook Islands heroes and heroines of all ages are encouraged to audition for Film Raro2 who are back in Rarotonga looking for a cast of characters.


Seventeen composers for Mire Atu

Cook Islands composers are prepared to take centre stage this month in the prestigious Tauranga Vananga/Ministry of Cultural Development Te Pae Tai Nui Mire Atu original Māori song composers competition.

Mini pineapple meringue pies - a perfect treat for Father's Day

Father’s Day is just around the corner and I know there are a few people trying to organise that special treat for a father figure in their lives. For my family, we will be getting together with another close family to celebrate this day and that’s because, these two fathers like to chill out together, writes Chef Rangi Mitaera-Johnson.


Resting in sunlit seas

Olly Silk sailed into Rarotonga in 1959 and 62 years later she was returned to the deep big blue, with her burial at sea on Wednesday.


As assistance rolls in, business community ponders what it will take to get by

After the travel bubble commenced in May, Kiwi visitors began visiting in numbers that exceeded estimates. That has come to an end with NZ’s Covid-19 outbreak, and once again the industry is facing uncertainty even as government support kicks in.


Everyday phrases help Mike Tavioni teach Maori

An unconventional, fun approach to teaching Maori has taken off at Gallery Tavioni, taking place every Tuesday and Thursday for the next few weeks in an attempt to preserve the important role of language in culture.


CHURCHTALK: Prevention is far better than redemption

Let it not take a lifetime before we realise that we have been there all along, that life does not offer anything sweeter than the love of dear ones and sharing of time together, writes Angaroakau Williams – Second counselor in the District Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Church Talk

‘We are adaptable... you have to keep a smile on your face and stay positive’

Common themes pop up in conversation with business operators on Rarotonga in light of a Covid-19 community outbreak involving the highly infectious Delta variant in New Zealand . . . resilience, adaptability, diversification and strength.


Christianity created a nation

“Christianity created a Nation” is a book about the arrival of the Gospel and the early Mission Years among those islands later to be known as the Cook Islands, writes author Howard Henry.


Cool, calm and collected - Tangianau Taoro is an all-rounder

President of the Cook Islands Girl Brigade Company, a senior Justice of the Peace and team leader of the recently completed Te Mato Vai water intake project, Taoro tells Melina Etches how she keep her cool to carry out her duties and responsibilities.


GO LOCAL: Entrepreneurs ready to take risks

At a time when our border link with New Zealand is up in the air creating uncertainty for many local businesses, the owners of Rarotonga’s newest café are feeling excited and optimistic about their venture.


CHURCHTALK: Finding peace in uncertain times

God did not promise that bad things will not happen to us but what He did promise was the blessings of his presence in our lives and re-assurance of salvation through eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord, writes Pastor Eric Toleafoa.

Church Talk

Israel, once the model for beating Covid-19, faces new surge of infections

Questions are being raised about the Covid-19 vaccine’s efficacy as Israel, one of the most vaccinated societies, now has one of the highest infection rates in the world, By Isabel Kershner from the New York Times.


'The ocean and I' - Vaka crew reflect on voyage to the North

Surviving squalls of concentrated rain and big gusts of wind, rookie crew members of Vaka Marumaru Atua are looking forward to their next voyage to learn more about the ocean around them. By Caleb Fotheringham.


Whispering life into plants

Lots of gardeners have “green fingers”, the ability to grow things well, better than most people. But Luduina Williams is a “plant whisperer”, a gardener who is repeatedly able to achieve all kinds of magical things in her garden. By Melina Etches


What to know about breakthrough infections and the Delta variant

Scientific understanding of the coronavirus variant is changing quickly. Here’s a recap of the most important findings. By Apoorva Mandavilli from the New York Times.


CHURCHTALK: Time pause, to ponder & pray

Pastor Paul Kauri of The Arepua Gateway Assembly of God Church is using today’s Church Talk as a ‘Devotion Time’ for our readers – a time to read through the words of Jesus and to ask questions, causing us to pause, ponder and pray.

Church Talk

80 years of ‘hard but good life’

Eighty years ago, a time when war dominated world affairs, a baby girl was born in Reureu; colloquially known as Reureu Te Mata o Teerui – a village situated on the western side of Aitutaki, far removed from the turmoil of war-torn Europe.


The ‘Ponder houses’ of Harley Street

Several houses and schools in Rarotonga share a link with Scott Base in Antarctica and Auckland International Airport in Mangere, having been designed by the same man, architect Frank Ponder. Gradually disappearing, Ponder’s Rarotonga buildings retain important heritage value.


Painting the stage red

Late nights, yelling, sore muscles, and no sleep, yet I would still count the last two months where I was a part of this year’s Te Maeva Nui as one of the best experiences I’ve ever had.


Nicholas family reconnect through history

The Nicholas family has a long and rich history across the Cook Islands, throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, and the world. Al Williams met a member of the extended family who is making connections across the globe.


Thanking God for the imperfect church

Grace is always first, peace always second. This is due to the fact that grace is the source of peace. Without grace, there is and can be no peace, writes Reverend Vakaroto Ngaro of Ekalesia Avarua.

Church Talk

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