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Church Talk



Film Raro2 casting call open to all ages

Fearless Cook Islands heroes and heroines of all ages are encouraged to audition for Film Raro2 who are back in Rarotonga looking for a cast of characters.


Seventeen composers for Mire Atu

Cook Islands composers are prepared to take centre stage this month in the prestigious Tauranga Vananga/Ministry of Cultural Development Te Pae Tai Nui Mire Atu original Māori song composers competition.

Traveling back in time ‘The people there are so laid back’

Rarotonga businesswoman Akisi Mussell shares her experience of how a six-day getaway to Mitiaro taught her about realising important priorities – through the minds and lifestyles of the local people.


Home is a story

Two times Cook Islands News journalist Emmanuel Samoglou has been on the road for close to a decade after he first left Canada. He’s now heading back and shares his views on home.


Cooks leading the way for women in business

Cook Islands’ representation of women in business has grown by leaps and bounds from the time young local women needed a signature of their father or husband in order to take out loans at the banks. According to a new regional report, representation of women in business leadership in the Cook Islands well exceeds global and regional averages.


CHURCH TALK: Living a contagious Christian life

It’s interesting when some people smile, they ignite smiles in people around them. They have contagious smiles. If that’s what a contagious smile is, what is a contagious Christian life? Pastor Eric Toleafoa from the Seventh-day Adventist Church explains.

Church Talk

Stitched with love

The “exceptional” and biggest exhibition of stunning and unique Cook Islands styled tivaivai, drew more visitors through the doors of the Ruatoka Hall yesterday after a grand opening on Thursday.


Fitness ‘can be fun’ but Aitutaki Liftoff is no joke

Fitness fanatics dressed up in hula skirts and florescent tutus pushed their limits across a variety of challenging trials at the inaugural Aitutaki Liftoff Fitness Festival a fortnight ago.


The Lissette Brito mystery ‘I’m confident about where I stand on it’

Former Australian police officer and author Rod Henderson has his sights set on finding justice for Lissette Brito who went missing off the yacht Zangano about 40 nautical miles south-west of Rarotonga five years ago.


A balancing act to a healthier life

One of the few teachers of yoga on Rarotonga is emphasising the many hidden benefits of the discipline and how it can help bring balance and longevity to one’s life.


CHURCHTALK: Understanding our personal values

There is a particular moment in Israel’s history that my article focuses on, and a provoking thought for us today, writes Pastor Paul Kauri.

Church Talk

Salt in their blood - The story of early Cook Islanders at sea

Cook Islands sailors were highly respected for their seafaring skills. As competitors in Australian surf boat carnivals, they were unbeatable.


CHURCHTALK: The parables of Jesus Christ

Those who understand the parables of Jesus are genuinely blessed. Not only do they gain the benefit of the spiritual truth illustrated, but they also display some measure of responsiveness to the Holy Spirit.

Church Talk

Covid lockdown leads to ‘Our little big trip’

A young New Zealand family’s plans for a worldwide trip is grounded before taking off due to Covid-19 lockdowns, bringing them to Rarotonga where they’re enjoying much comfort and stability.


Gallery owner pays tribute to legendary artist

Internationally-renowned Kiwi artist Billy Apple had been scheduled to land on Rarotonga today for his second exhibition in the Cook Islands. Apple died after a short illness at his Auckland home on Monday. Rarotonga Bergman Gallery owner Ben Bergman connected with Apple over several years and shares his memories of the artist with Al Williams.


CHURCHTALK: Patience that never quits

The real meaning of eternal life is a life that can face anything it has to face without wavering, without shortcuts and with a mind already set on the Beholder, Creator and Giver of life, Jesus Christ, writes Bishop Tutai Pere.

Church Talk

Group dedicated to solving disputes through mediation

An organisation has been set up to provide an alternative way of resolving dispute – through the use of mediation, a process that is not common in the country, but ‘very effective’.


National security – an evolving concern

With Cold War tensions easing and the Pacific Islands becoming increasingly interconnected with the broader world, however, there was growing concern that threats to our way of life and even the existence of our countries could come from various places and take various forms, writes Dr Jim Gosselin.


Building a new icon in town

Located in the Avarua township, the soon to be completed Grand Central building is a step forward in modern development on Rarotonga. Its developer and owner hope it becomes a new icon in town.


Cook Islander takes to Youtube to spread the word on money matters

Developing and maintaining a healthy relationship with money has been a life-long goal for Gold Coast-based Cook Islander George Woonton. With help from YouTube, he’s now sharing what he’s learned along the way with the larger Pasifika community.


‘I’m in the business of trying to get justice’ says retired cop

At 77, former police officer and author Rod Henderson shows no sign of slowing down in his quest to analyse and solve crime. Al Williams reports.


CHURCH TALK: Hypocrisy – the evil within

When we spend time alone and quietly look at our life, what do we see? What is it that makes up our interior life? Is it love or evil? By Bishop Paul Donoghue of the Catholic Church.

Church Talk

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