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Church Talk



Film Raro2 casting call open to all ages

Fearless Cook Islands heroes and heroines of all ages are encouraged to audition for Film Raro2 who are back in Rarotonga looking for a cast of characters.


Seventeen composers for Mire Atu

Cook Islands composers are prepared to take centre stage this month in the prestigious Tauranga Vananga/Ministry of Cultural Development Te Pae Tai Nui Mire Atu original Māori song composers competition.

Shaping the world we live in

For the local body elections in Wellington, New Zealand’s Green Party wanted candidates that could help them reshape the world and protect the planet, which is Cook Islander Luana Scowcroft.


Eco-tourism growth in the Cook Islands

Two years ago Rainbow Villas section was orange and bare, today it’s wild, beautiful and teeming with life.


Mathematics in everyday life

Dr Roberta “Bobbie” Hunter has helped change the way young Pacifica people look at mathematics, sharing that it can be seen everywhere, and why it’s so important.


Does his truth still confirm your convictions and ignite your passion?

It’s interesting that one of our long-time family traditions is coming together as a family for whatever occasion ie. birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, funerals, or for someone who is leaving.

Church Talk

The Cook Islands Māori calendar

Traditionally, Cook Islanders observed Matariki as the commencement of the annual calendar, a calendar that reflected cycles of life in the agricultural economy of the south and the fishing economy of the north.


ANZAC DAY: Recognising young veterans

Before dawn broke on ANZAC Day, a crowd of more than 100 people respectfully and solemnly gathered at the Cenotaph for the Dawn Parade.


RSM Maitai: A rusty remembrance

One hundred and thirty years ago, the Royal Mail Service (RMS) Maitai ran aground off the island of Rarotonga, stranding 43 people and entwining the lives of others forever.


Taking our art to the world

Bergman Gallery on Rarotonga is helping take Cook Islands art to the world. Cook Islands artist Mahiriki Tangaroa and Bergman Gallery owner Ben Bergman have been pivotal in placing it on display in Italy this week.


What change did Easter bring?

Given that we are seven days after the celebrations of Passover, and five days after Jesus resurrection, I was pondering the immediate aftermath of Jesus crucifixion and resurrection, writes Pastor Paul Kauri of the ArePua Church.

Church Talk

Smiling in the face of adversity

Cook Islanders, like others in many South Pacific nations are known for their warm-hearted greetings. Cheek-to-cheek kisses and loving embraces are followed by the laying of sweet-smelling Tiare Maori Ei on head or neck.


Retracing our breadfruit roots

An initiative to revitalise breadfruit orchards in the Cook Islands can save millions of dollars on imported food.


New tug boat costs over $1m

The new tug marks another milestone in the continued infrastructural development of the Port of Avatiu, which handles about 90 per cent of the food and materials imported into the Cook Islands and 100 per cent of the fuel, says Prime Minister Mark Brown.


Restoring pa’ua populations in Aitutaki

A significant number of pa’ua, or giant clams, bred through a Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) programme have recently been outplanted in Aitutaki in an effort to revive local populations of these vital marine animals.


Chocolate – An Easter treat not to be shared

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs mostly because of its theobromine content, explains Te Are Manu Vet Clinic’s medical director Michael Baer.


Murals transform Rarotonga into open-space gallery

Once upon a time, authorities in Rarotonga harassed graffiti artists and muralists regarding them as vandals. But now, the popular tourist destination celebrates and even funds their art, which can be found everywhere and supersized.


The fight against NCDs

The Cook Islands is facing another health crisis on top of the Covid-19 pandemic, with nearly half of its adult population affected by some form of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD).


Hope in the midst of chaos

The world of nature and creation provides and supplies humanity with all kinds of natural and physical resources to sustain life, but humanity in his own ego, ignorance and greed squanders, abuses and exploits beyond measure …, writes Bishop Tutai Pere.

Church Talk

Meyer’s passion for beauty brings her back to Raro

A new and private spa called ‘The Beauty Room’ has opened its’ doors to the public.


Buses and taxis are making a comeback

Fewer taxis are hitting the streets, but for many Cook Islanders, cabs and buses are inspiring a nostalgic and affordable fervour and return, which could lead to public transport becoming a more dominant mode of transportation.


Taking forward steps in spite of struggles

Rarotonga tourism operators Kave and Jules Tamaariki have put the pandemic behind them and are taking forward steps.


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