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No debt in China deal

8 February 2025


$541.7m tourism earnings

25 January 2025

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Top cop position advertised

7 December 2024

Church Talk



Film Raro2 casting call open to all ages

Fearless Cook Islands heroes and heroines of all ages are encouraged to audition for Film Raro2 who are back in Rarotonga looking for a cast of characters.


Seventeen composers for Mire Atu

Cook Islands composers are prepared to take centre stage this month in the prestigious Tauranga Vananga/Ministry of Cultural Development Te Pae Tai Nui Mire Atu original Māori song composers competition.

Dream come true

Cook Islander Angelina Thomson’s dream of starring in the Australian television soap opera Home And Away has finally come true after she made her Summer Bay debut as Kirby, one of four newcomers who make up the band Lyrik.


Young doctors return home to serve

Doctor Hannah Cummings always knew she wanted to work in medicine, but she never thought she would return home to the Cook Islands so soon.


Te Leo Wale - One of the most unusual languages in the world

The dialect of Pukapuka, which is one of the world’s most unusual languages, is spoken by around only 200 people in Rarotonga.


Blue lagoons for the Middle East

Cook Islands’ first Australian High Commissioner is trading blue lagoons and warm weather for the extreme temperatures of the Middle East.


CHURCH TALK: The past, the present and the future

I do hope that the Constitution of the Cook Islands is protecting the long-term future of the country. That it is not just being used to reward the present occupiers of this land, writes Bishop Paul Donoghue from the Catholic Church.

Church Talk

What is our excuse for the loss of our language and cultural values?

Curator and manager of the Cook Islands Library and Museum, Jean Tekura Mason recently returned from Tahiti where she attended the country’s 141st Heiva.


Marjorie Tua’inekore Crocombe – An exceptional life

Marjorie and Ron Crocombe lived up to exacting standards in their personal and professional lives and their combined efforts impacted and inspired uncountable others. We were privileged to know them, writes former USP director Rod Dixon.


CHURCH TALK: Let God prevail

With our General Elections shortly upon us, we as a nation and as individuals are facing important choices that will impact our future, writes Tamatoa Jonassen of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Church Talk

Spain and Russia in Cook Islands

Four hundred years after it was settled by Polynesians, Rakahanga was visited by a Spanish Expedition searching for Terra Australis, then two centuries later by Russia’s First Antarctic Expedition.


Graduate firefighters show burning passion

‘Climb the ladder’ was the message to the graduating Cook Islands Rescue Fire Service firefighters who yesterday received Basic Firefighters and Senior Firefighters certificates.


Politicians are out of touch, say young voters

With the General Election just around the corner, young voters say they are ready for some younger blood and new ideas.


PR recipients have made the Cooks their new home

The National Auditorium was packed on Friday morning with 237 permanent resident (PR) recipients who were bestowed with the honour in front of their families and friends.


‘One of the most devastating weather events to hit Raro’

The heavy swells which battered the Southern Coast of Rarotonga were one of the most destructive weather events the island has ever seen. Matthew Littlewood talks to the authorities about the response.


‘Art is not just about painting or sculpting, it’s everything we do’

Pacific artist of Samoan origin Fatu Feu’u returned to exhibition in the Cook Islands accompanied by contemporaries and fellow Samoans Andy Leleisi’uao and Raymond Sagapolutele with a new series of work including paintings, prints and photography at the Bergman Gallery.


Church Talk: Breaking the poverty spirit

In the first edition of this series of Breaking the Poverty Spirit, we looked at the devastating consequences of those who did not receive or respect who God had called them to be.

Church Talk

Sally Hosking: 'A resilient and industrious woman'

Teremoana Sally Hosking (nee Papera) better known as ‘Mama Sally’ was a resilient and industrious woman and well-known in the village of Matavera/Rangiatea.


REVIEW: The best burgers in town

Tourists Angus Fotheringham and Daniel Cutmore have spent a good part of their holiday stopping off at Rarotonga burger joints and share what they think are the very best.


Teaching at the edge of the world

Sherrin Hibbard will soon say goodbye to Palmerston Island Lucky School and go on another nautical adventure.


A passion for boil-up and barbecue

Barbecue social media star Stefan Apiata who’s better known as ‘Stef the Maori’ and Iti Stafford talk to Cook Islands News journalist Caleb Fotheringham about followers, food and a potential new TV series.


Bringing the Cook Islands to the stage

Growing up in the Cook Islands, Master of Fine Arts (Creative Practice) (MFA(CP)) in Theatre student Poe Tiare Ruhe-Tararo says she didn’t have much experience with theatre.


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