Cook Islands became a beacon of faith and unity as they hosted the International World Day of Prayer service for the very first time.
The Uikaraurau Cook Islands National Council of Women (CINCW) summit addressed issues such as climate justice, Te Reo Maori revitalisation, and combating violence against women, with robust discussions and an outcome of outlined future action plans.
Cook Islands News reporter Candice Luke enjoyed a Christmas break learning block printing and experiencing Cook Islands hospitality at Tie Dye Rarotonga, run by a passionate artist and her supportive family.
Canadian Lorena D’Alessandro learned teachers in Aitutaki are not especially well-equipped to work with children with ADHD and autism during her first visit in 2022. The veteran English Montreal School Board teacher returned late last year with some much-needed donations and tools for the students. (This article was originally published in the Montreal Gazette on January 4, 2024)
Vincent David is the first 2024 baby born in the Cook Islands.
Happy New Year to you all! I believe 2023 was at its best in terms of the many activities we have immersed ourselves into. The Bicentenary celebration of Nga-Pu-Toru as well as Rarotonga, the CICC General Assembly, the re-opening of Ziona Tapu in Avarua, TeKapuaanga Meeting House in Takuvaine, Ziona in Arorangi and Betela in Titikaveka to name just a few. Praise be to God Almighty. By Reverend Vakaroto Ngaro, Senior Lecturer at Takamoa Theological College.
Rarotonga’s vibrant calendar of special events demands stylish, comfortable island attire for both men and women. A new fashion brand has launched, offering residents a fresh option for these occasions. Melina Etches reports.
An anthology of books on the traditional and ancestry of Aitutaki offering a collection of stories and knowledge about the history and heritage of the island was unveiled last month. Melina Etches reports.
A community worker, educationalist, and journalist are among the Cook Islanders who have been recognised in the New Zealand New Year Honours list 2024.
The 2024 marlin season has launched a splendidly impressive start to the New Year with the landing of an awe-inspiring 215 kilogram (473 pounds) black marlin.
When Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN) Lieutenant Commander Makoare (Mark) Kohupara Te Kani posted to the Cook Islands in January 2020 as a Maritime Surveillance Adviser, he expected to travel. Weeks into posting, lockdowns isolated Rarotonga from the world.
A look back at the year’s biggest news stories.
TVNZ’s Pacific correspondent and former Cook Islands News journalist Barbara Dreaver talks to Pacific Media Network’s Khalia Strong on three decades reporting on Pacific issues, and making her parents proud.
Climate change activists from around the world are itching to team up with a Cook Islands film crew to raise awareness about the global crisis after a music video about its impact on the Pacific debuted at a United Nations conference. Joanne Holden reports.
Let us all continue to share our joys with one another, our concerns with one another, challenges with one another, needs with one another, outreach sharing and compassion with one another, writes Bishop Tutai Pere of the Apostolic Church.
Preparations are well underway on Mangaia for the celebration of the 200-year anniversary of the arrival of Christian missionaries on the island in 1824. By Pamela Steele.
Motone Productions wrapped up their last concert for the year with Aotearoa New Zealand artist Tiki Taane’s “epic” show featuring stunning musicians and DJs at Trios Bar on December 15.
Prominent Cook Islands broadcaster — labelled by many the “Voice of the Cook Islands” — Bernard (Bernice) Tairea has died aged 49.
Two murals, one depicting the Cook Islands’ marine life and the other representing its societal pillars, were blessed in a ceremony this week.
After more than 30 years treating the Cook Islands community and making their mark on its health system, doctors Zaw Myo Aung and Yin Yin May are returning to their home country of Myanmar. Joanne Holden reports.
Candice Luke’s first trip to the Cook Islands in 2008 awakened a deep connection to her Māori heritage and sparked a passion for storytelling, now leading her to become a journalist for Cook Islands News.
Santa is busy preparing for a long night on December 24 and has a message for Cook Islands kids.