Cook Islands became a beacon of faith and unity as they hosted the International World Day of Prayer service for the very first time.
The Uikaraurau Cook Islands National Council of Women (CINCW) summit addressed issues such as climate justice, Te Reo Maori revitalisation, and combating violence against women, with robust discussions and an outcome of outlined future action plans.
Priceless stone pre-European artefacts will be returned to the Cook Islands later this year.
The International Day of Women was celebrated across Rarotonga including workplaces celebrating the theme of ‘Te Vaine kia turu’ia: Tupu’anga kia Tere – Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress and Inspire Inclusion’.
The design of Cook Islands vaka has changed so much over the years that it’s difficult to speak of a ‘traditional canoe design’ as the Aitutaki canoe demonstrates, writes Rod Dixon.
Renowned Scottish novelist Sir Ian Rankin with some of his books at the Cook Islands Library and Museum yesterday. RASHNEEL KUMAR/24030863
Have you ever wondered why bad things happen to good people? ‘Why?’ is one of the most asked questions in life. It is simple and direct, yet we do not always get a stringboard answer, writes Kayla Kaimarama-Willie of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
From early motherhood and years of perseverance and sacrifice, inspiring and determined Aleyna-Joy Tatuava-Taripo, 34, has triumphed in law after being admitted to the bar in the Cook Islands High Court last week.
January saw a record breaking 10,368 visitors arrive on our shores. They’re staying longer, and spending more on average. But what do these facts and figures look like in the daily lives of Cook Islanders? Cook Islands News journalist Candice Luke spoke to locals about how the tourist dollar is affecting them, their families, and their businesses right now.
“Suwarrow belongs to you and me and to every Cook Islander. This is our home. We have the responsibility to protect and to take care of our home.” – Tuakeu “Harry” Papai.
Upokoina Bishop-Cuthers, a Cook Islands woman who battled cancer, created her own homeware brand CuBis Creations to inspire others and support her family.
University of South Pacific’s Rarotonga campus has received a donation of 11 screen printed original works by New Zealand-based artist Jean Loomis.
Greetings to all you lovely people: To those who are prayer lovers and prayer warriors. I thought to bring our message this morning in support and recognition of the Women’s International Prayer Day coming shortly. I thought how fitting this message is for all of us to ignite our prayer life.
In 2021, a special voyage was taken by three Cook Islands non-government organisations. Cook Islands Voyaging Society, Kōrero o te ‘Ōrau, and Te Ipukarea Society teamed up for a tour to each of the 15 islands, a first for the traditional vaka Marumaru Atua.
A book which captures some aspects of the London Missionary Society connections with Ma’uke, will be launched next week.
Over 300 descendants from Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Tahiti, Marquesas, Rarotonga, and Mangaia participated in the George Outher Brown Reunion this week at Te Are Kariori National Auditorium.
The Apostolic Church of the Cook Islands bid farewell to three Samoan students who recently completed their five to six years of training in Rarotonga and graduated as full-time pastors and evangelists.
The iconic flamboyant tree that graced the Avarua roundabout in town for around 130 years is no more.
It is in God’s nature to be gracious, and compassionate, full of mercy, so quick to forgive and so slow to become angry, and many verses in the Bible testify to His nature, writes Pastor Paul Kauri, the General Superintendent of Cook Islands Assemblies of God.
Three friends in Christchurch are using their online platform Kūki Learning to teach Cook Islands Māori language and culture in a fun and engaging way, despite facing challenges with limited time and resources.
Heart diseases, stroke, and heart attack made up 53 per cent of NCD (non-communicable disease) deaths in the Cook Islands from October to December last year. A new grassroots initiative ‘Gym and Juice Club’ may help to battle the Cook Islands’ increasing NCD diagnoses and waistlines.
Pope Francis has appointed Reverend Father Reynaldo Bunyi Getalado, M.S.P., as the new coadjutor bishop of Cook Islands. Fr. Getalado is a Filipino priest who has served in various locations throughout his career, including Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and Tuvalu. Melina Etches reports.