Every year on the first Thursday in March, Cook Islands Women Christian Church groups throughout the country join a worldwide movement known as the World Day of Prayer (WDP)/Te Rā Pureanga Maata a te Vainetini o Teianei Ao.
The pouring rain did not dampen the spirits of Catholics in Rarotonga as they joined millions of faithful followers around the world yesterday to mark Ash Wednesday, celebrating the start of the Lent season.
Of all the 36 works being displayed at the Club Bana art gallery, one work struck Mereana Hutchinson as embodying the spirit of the exhibition especially well. The work, Toka Tauri O Rongonui, is the first piece of its type shown by Atiuan artist Sandra Tisam. Hutchinson, curator of the Club Bana Te Maeva Nui […]
A new wedding vaka for Pacific Resort is sure to make for smooth sailing into married life for newlyweds. On Thursday the vaka named vaka o te inangaro, or vessel of love, was officially blessed at the Ngatangiia resort much to the delight of resort guests. The new vaka was traditionally designed and carved by […]
After four days of travel over the ocean from the northern island, the Manihiki crew were more than ready for yesterdays float parade by the time they set off. Last-minute decorations on the float went up without much trouble, boasting the best food, goods and culture from the atoll. Pearls and clam shells hung from […]
The best of Avatea School was put on show yesterday with sports and school life taking a side-line to the schools cultural activities. Twenty pupils of the Nikao school, plus staff and teachers, paraded through the town, drumming, singing and dancing along the main street. As the school waited in the Avatiu marshalling area, six-year-old […]
National pride overflowed at Avarua yesterday as thousands of Cook Islanders and visitors took to Maire Nui Drive for the biggest Te Maeva Nui float parade in years. Even the delayed start of the parade through Avarua couldnt dampen the spirit and enthusiasm of dancers on each of the 42 floats that paraded through the […]
Justin Bieber is taking a month off from his busy schedule to "grow up". The 17-year-old Canadian sensation is soon going to start work on his new album, but says he is going to take some time out to do the normal things in life that he hasn’t managed to do yet. Bieber, who is […]
Young Cook Islanders who missed out on Tyrees Rehab performance last year had a chance to hear the Auckland rapper drop his rhymes at the Careers Expo on Thursday afternoon and again at BCI Stadium that evening. Tyree makes up one-third of the popular South Auckland hip-hop group Smashproof. He performed in Rarotonga last year, […]
Over 70 artists, writers and poets from around the region flocked to the Cook Islands Library & Museum last Friday to honour the life and work of the late Alistair Te Ariki Campbell. The Friday night function marked the launch of a month-long exhibition in commemoration of Campbell. The exhibition, which will run until August […]
Local artist Joan Gragg started selling her original Cook Islands-themed decks of playing cards on Monday night, which proved so popular that not 24 hours later she was sold out. Dozens of people poured into the BCA Gallery to celebrate the launch of the exhibition on Monday. Over wine, conversation and fast-paced games of Uka, […]
Herds of people both tourists and locals flocked to the grand reopening of the Cook Islands Whale and Wildlife Centre in Atupa yesterday. For about a year the centres doors have remained closed, as director Nan Hauser and new management team Sheryl and Huw John put together new displays and sourced new artefacts from Trademe […]
Twenty-six local businesspeople representing about 20 businesses attended a free-of-charge training session this week with two of New Zealands top business trainers. Chris Elphick, director of Kirkham & Elphick Limited, has over 30 years experience as a business trainer and mentor. He and Lorraine Hoggard, of Business Mentors New Zealand, arrived this week to deliver […]
Over the past three weeks, word on Rarotonga has spread about the American physiotherapist team operating out of the Creative Centre and their Kiikii Motel room. Kathleen Yasumura and Peggy Satterfield came to Rarotonga with Global Volunteers, and not long after theyd arrived word got around that the licensed physiotherapists were willing to see patients. […]
Armed with a university degree, Cook Islander Krystina Kauvai (above) is back on Rarotonga and ready to hit the job market. Kauvai, 24, last month completed a Bachelor of Commerce after three years at Auckland University. After she finished college, Kauvai scored a full university scholarship through the Department of National Human Resource Development. In […]
Tereora College students ditched their school uniforms last week in exchange for plastic and newspaper ensembles for the schools first wearable arts award. The fun event organised by the schools art department as part of celebrating arts at Tereora College and to support art week. The event also seconded as a fundraising effort for the […]
Delivering a 13-tonne printing press to Cook Islands News Building in Maraerenga came with a number of challenges unique to the site. Just one man has prior experience in the job and, luckily enough, he happens to be the man in charge of the operation. Engineer Steve Russell of The Printdoc Company said the moving […]
The Cook Islands French fraternity came together this week to paint the town blue, white and red in celebration of La Fete Nationale the National Day. Le Bon Vivant cafe in Avarua hosted all things French on Thursday for the Bastille Day revelry, with games, food and drink bringing a taste of life on the […]
A group of Tereora College teachers have made efforts to thin-spire their students to shape up and lose weight. Twelve teachers have been participating in a Biggest Loser-inspired competition in the past eight weeks. The winner from the group lost eight kilograms through the programme, with other participants losing about two to three kilograms. Healthy […]
The whales are starting to trickle back into Cook Islands waters. Whale lady Nan Hauser officially marked the start of her 14th season researching Cook Islands whales on Thursday. After just a few hours on the water, she and her team of research assistants which included her daughter Alexanna Haible had identified two flukes and […]
Local artist Joan Rolls-Gragg has captured the spirit of the Cook Islands 52 ways, using a pack of playing cards. Her newest exhibition, which opens on Monday night at the Beachcomber Art Gallery (BCA) in Taputapuatea, features decks of playing cards superimposed with paintings shes done. The original prints are water soluble crayons on paper. […]
Te Maeva Nui is this year creating a bold new look by going back to the old days and creating more opportunities for the wider community to become a partner of the event. Cook Islands Tourism and the Ministry of Cultural Development are working together with BTIB to ensure that the essence of the iconic […]