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Tereora College parent portal goes live

Wednesday 3 September 2014 | Published in Education


Tereora College parent portal goes live
Kena Teamoke says being able to access his 17 year-old daughter's education progress information gives him a clearer picture of what he will need to discuss with her.

With a few taps on their keyboard, Tereora College parents can now monitor the progress of their child’s education at the national college.All parents of students at Tereora College are being given live access to the college database so that they can monitor the progress of their own children on a daily basis if necessary. Parents can access information on their students learning progress including NCEA credit summaries by subject for seniors, grades achieved by subject for all students, details of school reports issued, daily attendance checks, student timetable, school fee status, library books issued or overdue for return and contact details. Principal Bali Haque says the new information sharing system allows parents to be aware of how their own children are progressing at school.“This is very big news and is what our Learning Charter is all about,” says Haque. “It enables parents to be aware of how their own children are progressing on a daily basis. No need to wait for school reports and no need to rely on your children to tell you what you may want to know!”Haque adds that the initiative also ensures that national college staff is held accountable.“They are required to make sure that assessments are offered, completed by students, marked and put on the data base for parents to view”. We really do encourage parents to access the data and we encourage them to contact their anau teacher if they have any questions or concerns.”Last week parents from Maungaroa anau were issued with their passwords and this week all other anau will be issued with their passwords also.Passwords are high security. The only student information a parent can access will be their own child.For Kena Teamoke, whose 17-year old daughter attends the national college, the new parent portal is, “pretty good!”Teamoke says being able to access his daughter’s education progress information gives him a clearer picture of what he will need to discuss with her.“You know kids, they won’t tell you everything but this way they know they will have to keep their socks up,” says Teamoke. The parent portal can be accessed through the college website and click on “parent portal”. It is important of course that all passwords are kept safe and not improperly shared.Students will also, of course, have access to their own data.

With a few taps on their keyboard, Tereora College parents can now monitor the progress of their child’s education at the national college.All parents of students at Tereora College are being given live access to the college database so that they can monitor the progress of their own children on a daily basis if necessary. Parents can access information on their students learning progress including NCEA credit summaries by subject for seniors, grades achieved by subject for all students, details of school reports issued, daily attendance checks, student timetable, school fee status, library books issued or overdue for return and contact details. Principal Bali Haque says the new information sharing system allows parents to be aware of how their own children are progressing at school.“This is very big news and is what our Learning Charter is all about,” says Haque. “It enables parents to be aware of how their own children are progressing on a daily basis. No need to wait for school reports and no need to rely on your children to tell you what you may want to know!”Haque adds that the initiative also ensures that national college staff is held accountable.“They are required to make sure that assessments are offered, completed by students, marked and put on the data base for parents to view”. We really do encourage parents to access the data and we encourage them to contact their anau teacher if they have any questions or concerns.”Last week parents from Maungaroa anau were issued with their passwords and this week all other anau will be issued with their passwords also.Passwords are high security. The only student information a parent can access will be their own child.For Kena Teamoke, whose 17-year old daughter attends the national college, the new parent portal is, “pretty good!”Teamoke says being able to access his daughter’s education progress information gives him a clearer picture of what he will need to discuss with her.“You know kids, they won’t tell you everything but this way they know they will have to keep their socks up,” says Teamoke. The parent portal can be accessed through the college website and click on “parent portal”. It is important of course that all passwords are kept safe and not improperly shared.Students will also, of course, have access to their own data.

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