Saturday 2 June 2018 | Published in Environment
This weekly column is supplied by Te Ipukarea Society. It deals with conservation and environmental issues of interest to the public.
Saturday 2 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am picking up on the suggestion that John Scott made recently that the Te Mato Vai petition should be published in CINews so that those issues raised by the 2000 petitioners could be read again and issues faced now could be compared with the concerns raised four years ago.
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Church Talk
Who can we trust? We married couples, do we trust each other?
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Church Talk
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven,” (Matthew 5:16). This may be one of the first verses you learned in Sunday school.
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Football
With pride on the line, hosts Cook Islands and American Samoa will both be desperate to end their OFC U19 Championship Qualifier campaign on a winning note today at the CIFA Complex.
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I see CIP Ngatangiia candidate Tukaka Ama is promising to "fix" the road in Muri.
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The Demos tell us it’s time for change and they want to govern again.
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Mark Twain is said to have made this quote: “It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”.
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was very disappointed, as were my fellow Grey Power mamas and papas from Matavera, Ngatangiia and Titikaveka, because at a meeting last week none of the three Democratic candidates who are running for three seats in Takitumu mentioned the very thing we wanted to hear them say – that a Democratic Party will do away with taxing pensions.
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Local
Changing things up a bit, our market story this week comes from the Muri Night Market rather than Punanga Nui.
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Politics
In the lead-up to the June 14 election, CINews is asking the main political parties to comment on issues of interest to the public. Today’s question: What are your party’s policies on law and order and what would you do about the problems of low police pay and the apparent increase in the number of violent crimes such as stabbing, and other crimes such as burglaries?
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Local
Jim Armistead, the Pacific Division Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, attended the first meeting of the Pacific Resilience Partnership Taskforce in Suva, Fiji, last week.
Friday 1 June 2018 | Published in Politics
The independent candidate for the Atiu seat of Tengatangi Areora Ngatiarua, former MP and Cabinet minister Norman George, says his island currently resembles “a bomb site” and his sole policy is to make Atiu great again.
Thursday 31 May 2018 | Published in Football
Cook Islands lost all hope of making it through the 2018 OFC U19 Championship Qualifier after their second loss on Tuesday at the CIFA Complex in Matavera.
Thursday 31 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Finance minister Mark Brown’s response to criticism of Te Mato Vai project by resident John Scott on the Te Mato Vai project, published in a story in CI News on May 25, is pathetic.
Thursday 31 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Ever since prime minister Henry Puna announced the dates for the general election and political campaigning subsequently swung into gear, the Demo Party have been telling us they are the better party to govern this country.
Thursday 31 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Elizabeth Koteka Wright wrote an article in CINews on May 24 giving answers on the Manatua cable project.
Thursday 31 May 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Mark Twain is attributed with the quote: ‘It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt’.
Thursday 31 May 2018 | Published in Environment
The Cook Islands will benefit from New Zealand's locator beacon programme, which will begin here soon.
Thursday 31 May 2018 | Published in Local
Young opera singers Ipu Laga’aia and William Mataka Vuni landed on Rarotonga in the early hours of Tuesday morning starting an action-packed week for both of them.