Friday 15 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Another surprise loser in yesterday’s general election was Murienua MP and Democratic Party economic spokesman, James Beer.
Friday 15 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Tupapa Maraerenga MP George Maggie has won what may be one of the most telling victories of the election, but when CINews tracks him down on election night he’s just enjoying a quiet moment alone, sitting astride his bike outside his house in Tupapa.
Thursday 14 June 2018 | Published in Environment
Archaeologists working on a study of the centuries-old Ara Nui o Toi or Ara Metua (known to locals as “the back road”) have received funding to continue the project for another three years.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, May I apologise that Merchant of Paradise haven’t been able to roll out the Paradise Prosperity Plan (PPP) to develop the Pa Enua as planned, for the simple reason that we still await the outcome of the Vaimaanga tender that closed on May 31.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, A National Environment Service worker has told me that Members of Parliament get the final say on what developments are improved on Rarotonga.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I am hoping your readers can help me.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Just a very brief one to say what a good letter that was last Saturday titled “How to recognise a failing democracy”, from someone who signed as “Forever Optimistic for the Cook Islands”.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am writing about the importance of voting in the general elections.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Politics
In the lead up to the June 14 election, CI News is asking the main political parties to comment on issues of interest to the public. Today’s question: Would your party charge the general public for reticulated water on Rarotonga? If so, how much?
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Environment
The financial regime to operate and protect all revenue made from seabed minerals on behalf of the Cook Islands people should have been completed years ago to follow the Seabed Minerals Act 2009, says former seabed minerals committee chairman, Terepai Maoate.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Environment
Providing a reliable and safe supply of water for the people of Rarotonga is the single biggest benefit of the Te Mato Vai project, which is flowing into reality with the new ring main and connections to businesses and residential properties now “live”.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Politics
While yesterday’s poll results trumpeted Tina Browne as the country’s preferred prime minister, perhaps a more interesting takeaway is the fact that more than a quarter of respondents were “not sure” about who they thought should lead the country.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Politics
The 2018 CINews election poll has placed the Democratic Party one seat ahead of the Cook Islands Party (CIP) heading in to tomorrow’s election.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Local
The authority for immigration officers to refuse visitors entry into the country, as happened in the case of a motorcycle gang member on May 29, was made possible by parliament legislating in December last year an amendment to Section 9 of the Cook Islands Entry Residence and Departure Act (ERD) 1971/1972.
Wednesday 13 June 2018 | Published in Environment
Week six of the Solid Waste Management committee has brought disappointing results, with a WATSAN spokesperson commenting that long weekends seem to bring out the worst in people.
Tuesday 12 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I would like to propose a solution that I’m certain will solve Grey Power’s demands regarding taxation of their New Zealand pensions.
Tuesday 12 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor The discussion around the proposed Manatua submarine cable is an interesting one and the letter from “Political Observer” provides an interesting perspective.
Tuesday 12 June 2018 | Published in Outer Islands
There’s no easy solution for Pa Enua travel realities, but 24-hour solar power lightens the mood, reports Lisa Leilani Williams.
Tuesday 12 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Tupapa Maraerenga independent candidate Teresa Manarangi Trott says the Cook Islands has always followed New Zealand medical programmes.
Tuesday 12 June 2018 | Published in Local
The Creative Centre hosted its third and arguably its best “Beats of Betela” concert beside the lagoon at Arorangi last Monday.