Tuesday 19 June 2018 | Published in Politics
A Pacific Islands Forum Election Observer team was on Rarotonga last week to observe the Cook Islands 2018 elections on Thursday.
Tuesday 19 June 2018 | Published in Environment
Two months after the National Environment Service has ordered the owner of an Akaoa property to stop dumping and stockpiling waste on a large area of land near the back road, rubbish is still accumulating there.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I was a scrutineer in these elections and I want to report to the public that I saw a significant number of people coming into the polling booth and being able to vote when their names did not appear on either of the two electoral rolls and without showing any proof of identity.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, In your issue of June 6 it was reported that police issuing “tickets” to Tereora students for failing to produce a drivers licence.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor. I write this in both concern and shock at what happened over two days in Arorangi last week when someone burned car tyres without a thought for other people in the neighbourhood.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Politics
The Democratic Party met last Friday morning for a prayer and debriefing following the preliminary results of Thursday’s election.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Environment
The body of a five metre-long Cuvier’s beaked whale which washed ashore in the lagoon off Vaimaanga late yesterday morning attracted a small crowd of curious onlookers as it was cut up for later examination.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Politics
One Cook Islands (OCI) leader Teina Bishop says he is feeling “better than ever” following last Thursday’s general election.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Rugby Union
Local player Matamanea Matapakia is one of the frontrunners for a place in the Cook Islands team for the Rugby World Cup qualifiers against Hong Kong later this month. In a special Q&A session with Cook Islands Rugby Union, the Atiu player discusses his passion for the game and his chances of making the team.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Outer Islands
This weekly column is supplied by Te Ipukarea Society. It deals with conservation and environment issues of interest to the Cook Islands. This week technical director Kelvin Passfield reports on a TIS team’s trip to Suwarrow to conduct a rat baiting project on the island and nearby motu.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Democratic Party candidate Tamaiva “Captain Tama” Tuavera has retained the Ngatangiia seat he won off the Cook Islands Party in 2014, pulling in 254 votes to his opponent Tukaka Ama’s 211.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Politics
The 2018 General Election is not over yet, with negotiations between independents and both major parties beginning yesterday.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Politics
The 2018 general election has come and gone and preliminary results have given the Democratic Party (Demos) 11 seats in parliament. The Cook Islands Party gained 10 seats. One Cook Islands (OCI) won one seat and two independents also gained seats in parliament. CINews analyses the results from each constituency, and looks at results that may change after special and postal votes have been accounted for.
Monday 18 June 2018 | Published in Politics
While there are still a number of special and postal votes that have yet to be counted, this year’s general election looks set to make history with the lowest voter turnout the Cook Islands has yet seen, going right back to the very first election in 1965.
Friday 15 June 2018 | Published in Local
On my weekly visit to the Punanga Nui Market last Saturday, I visited a stall near the playground, which was full of beautiful locally-made items.
Friday 15 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Cook Islanders have sent a strong message to the next government, with 63 per cent of the country calling for reform in CINews’ 2018 election poll.
Friday 15 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Whichever party has won the general election, veteran Democratic Party politician Ngamau Munokoa hopes they will govern with honesty and ensure everyone works together for the good of the people of the Cook Islands.
Friday 15 June 2018 | Published in Politics
A delighted Nooroa Baker couldn’t contain his delight and excitement after defeating deputy prime minister Teariki in provisional results for yesterday’s election.
Friday 15 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Unsuccessful Titikaveka candidate Margharet Matenga is “saddened” that the Titikaveka Cook Islands Party committee’s decision not to confirm her as the CIP candidate probably cost her the election.
Friday 15 June 2018 | Published in Politics
Independents will decide final outcome of general election.