Monday 20 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The prime minister’s statement of political integrity before political reform, suggests that if and when he has the numbers in the house, he will use it to implement political reform in parts and not in whole, to suit him and his party.
Monday 20 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,MFEM’s press release in your paper on Monday October 13 about our 2013 tax review had three paragraphs on intent to review and simplify our tax system.
Monday 20 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
About two Saturdays ago, we heard of Henry Puna’s road accident on the PM government car on the main road at the Catholic intersection.
Monday 20 October 2014 | Published in Environment
Mua vaka voyagers were glad to make land in Port Villa, Vanuatu at the weekend after a rough day of sailing.
Monday 20 October 2014 | Published in Politics
Prime Minister Henry Puna has formally congratulated Kiwi counterpart John Key over New Zealand’s successful bid to gain a seat on the United Nation’s security council.
Monday 20 October 2014 | Published in Environment
The last remaining piles of garbage at the former recycling site in Turangi are expected to be buried underground, clearing the way for possible new uses of the land.
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Rugby Union
TODAY’S CITC Corporate Sevens heads to the Avatiu Swamp where the competition has now been reduced to seven teams.
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Football
TAKUVAINE will face off with joint competition leaders Puaikura FC in today’s football feature match up in the Valley which has been referred to several years ago as the Valley of Pain when it comes to Premier men’s football.
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Local
Local produce sold out quickly at the Punanga Nui Market yesterday for World Food Day.
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Technology
This week, Rarotonga’s largest-ever renewable energy plant went online – adding considerable momentum to the Government’s goal of having the Cook Islands 100 per cent powered by renewable energy by 2020.
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Local
Dazzling costumes, spectacular Candy Land themed decorations made for an exciting atmosphere at the Aotearoa Centre last Saturday for the Candy Land Junior Spring Ball.
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,I refer to the letter by Agony Aunt headed “Give the man a job”. I am reliably informed this tupapaku is actually a man without a pair to state his name and confused
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,I read in your newspaper on Thursday 16 regarding an article on pensions’ tax victory.
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,Thank you for updating us with the news on Parliament's recent sitting with credit to the government of the day for remaining firm despite the endless rumours and speculations of falling apart.
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,I read with unbelievable astonishment Henry Puna stating, “politicians must improve their integrity before the nation's political system can be reformed".
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Politics
The toxic effects of party politics have crept up in the outer island of Penrhyn, claims Democratic Party Leader Wilkie Rasmussen.
Saturday 18 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor,Could the Government please give Tim Tepaki a job to shut him up.
Friday 17 October 2014 | Published in Kata
Friday 17 October 2014 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I wish to thank those individuals for contacting me to offer their support concerning our New Zealand pension not to be taxed.
Friday 17 October 2014 | Published in Church Talk
After a successful weekend camp earlier in the year – members of the Matavera Scout group gathered together these school holidays for a five-day camp out.
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