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Sacked police chief found guilty

Thursday 18 June 2015 | Published in Regional

PORT MORESBY – Papua New Guinea’s former police commissioner Geoffrey Vaki has been found guilty of contempt for not arresting the country’s prime minister on corruption charges.

Fishermen like idea of fuel subsidy

Thursday 18 June 2015 | Published in Local

A fuel subsidy from Government was among requests made by the fishermen during the Ministry of Marine Resources’ Artisanal Fisheries Data Collection programme.

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That's great work, High Commissioner!

Thursday 18 June 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing to express my sincere thanks to the new New Zealand High Commissioner, Nick Hurley for his excellent foresight and action in helping to bring the traditional artists of New Zealand the Cook Islands together.

Puna pushes purse seining

Thursday 18 June 2015 | Published in Politics

The Prime Minister hoped to put the purse seine fishing issue to rest in parliament yesterday, but the Opposition was not convinced.

No-confidence motion waits

Thursday 18 June 2015 | Published in Politics

A motion from Opposition leader William ‘Smiley Heather expressing no confidence in Cabinet has appeared on the Order Paper in Parliament since Monday and will remain on there unless Heather decides to bring it into the House or withdraws it, says Murienua MP James Beer.

Issues surround motion rejection

Thursday 18 June 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Last week a motion expressing no confidence in the Cabinet and another delving into the New Zealand citizenship and UN membership controversy were submitted by the Opposition for inclusion in the Parliamentary Order Paper. Neither of the motions made it that far, and in a letter to the editor of CI News, John Scott explains why…

The mother of all Cook Islands laws

Thursday 18 June 2015 | Published in Opinion

Next to the Constitution, the Crimes Act 1969 is the mother of all our laws.

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Rugby union rules enforced

Thursday 18 June 2015 | Published in Rugby Union

This weekend marks the start of the 2015 club rugby season sponsored by The Bond Store.

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League unaware of jihadist link to Fiji

Wednesday 17 June 2015 | Published in Regional

suva – The Fiji Muslim League says it is unaware of any Fiji links to alleged Fijian teenage terrorist Irfaan Hussein who died recently in the Middle East where he was fighting with Jihadists.

MP arrested at protest on Nauru

Wednesday 17 June 2015 | Published in Regional

YAREN – Protests have erupted outside Nauru’s parliament in a response to government corruption revealed last week, with an opposition MP arrested and allegedly beaten.

Facebook flag critics given warning

Wednesday 17 June 2015 | Published in Regional

SUVA – The Fiji Police Force is warning members of the public to monitor their frustrations vented on social media regarding the country’s process of creating a new flag.

Biggest ever weightlifting field

Tuesday 16 June 2015 | Published in Regional

PORT MORESBY – The strongest weightlifting field in Pacific Games history will be on show in Port Moresby next month.

Battle of the Budget off to fiery start

Tuesday 16 June 2015 | Published in Politics

The Budget battle began in fierce fashion yesterday afternoon when Minister of Finance Mark Brown presented his Budget speech in parliament.

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Coalition sparks jokes

Tuesday 16 June 2015 | Published in Politics

‘Romance’ was in the air during question time at Parliament yesterday afternoon, with Members of Parliament poking fun at the Democratic Party and One Cook Islands Movement coalition.

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Church fights 'witch hunting' in PNG

Tuesday 16 June 2015 | Published in Regional

Some may find it hard to believe that witch-hunting would occur in the 21st century. But it’s wreaking havoc still in some parts of the world – writes Ray Cavanaugh for NZCatholic, New Zealand’s national Catholic newspaper.

Apia on track for Youth Games

Tuesday 16 June 2015 | Published in Regional

APIA – Samoa is “more than ready” to host the Fifth Commonwealth Youth Games in September this year.

Diplomatic rugby played in torrid weather

Tuesday 16 June 2015 | Published in Rugby Union

Politicians and diplomats swapped their suits and ties for rugby jerseys and boots on Friday for a friendly round of footy.

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People smugglers 'paid to turn back their boats'

Tuesday 16 June 2015 | Published in Regional

CANBERRA – Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott has repeatedly dodged new questions about whether Australian officials paid people smugglers thousands of dollars to return 65 asylum seekers to Indonesia, only saying that his government is “prepared to do what is necessary to keep the boats stopped”.

Abbott's dodging of questions 'confirms allegations'

Tuesday 16 June 2015 | Published in Regional

This goes further than hypocrisy. Tony Abbott’s primary justification for condemning people smugglers is that they cause deaths.

Applications open for internet 'hui'

Tuesday 16 June 2015 | Published in Local

For the first time, there is a budget of up to $15,000 to help people living in the Pacific Islands attend one of the biggest internet events in the region.

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