Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I support and applaud what Minister Nandi Glassie is doing as our Parliamentary GOPAC representative in the region; championing this great cause is indeed a very good initiative.
Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Local
With the success of this year’s Te Maeva Nui 50th anniversary elebrations, Tauranga Vananga in collaboration with its major sponsors, have launched Volume 2 of the two-part series for the major cultural event of the year, Te Maeva Nui 2015.
Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Local
Preparations are well underway for the Miss Pacific Islands cultural showcase to be hosted on Rarotonga from December 6 to 12.
Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Local
Ministry of Health grounds man Robert Puruha was rewarded for all his hard work this week when he received a special gift from his boss, Health Secretary Liz Iro. Puruha was awarded the title Employee of the Year last year, and Iro said she decided to gift the monetary award the ministry received from their recent Public Service Excellence Award to Puruha.
Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands’ oldest person, the much-loved Caroline Daniel, has died on Aitutaki aged 103.
Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Local
In an historic bid to stop the government entering into a purse seine fishing agreement and licensing with the European Union, an application for a judicial review has been filed on behalf of Aronga Mana (traditional leaders) in the High Court this week.
Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Regional
THE NEWS IN DEPTH By Taylor Kate Brown BBC News Magazine An upcoming election has highlighted the deep disagreement between native Hawaiians over what the future should look like.
Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Regional
AUCKLAND – Food and beverage exporters from the Pacific say one of the greatest challenges they face is having to constantly adapt to and overcome the effects of climate change.
Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Regional
NUKU‘ALOFA– The Tonga Rugby Union says the whole country is in mourning after the death of Jonah Lomu.
Friday 20 November 2015 | Published in Regional
SYDNEY – The former head of Fiji’s police force said military interference in efforts to prosecute those involved in vicious assaults, played a big part in his decision to walk away.
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals
Can we suggest to top anti-corruption Minister Nandi Glassie that he should investigate a tested truthful proven case of corrupt use of a government vehicle.
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Some facts need to be made clear on the issue of our pelagic fisheries.
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The article on the eviction of Esther Honey brings some questions to mind.
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It is good to see Minister Nandi Glassie standing up publicly against corruption.
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Local
Drunk drivers are still not getting the message with police attending two crashes in the weekend.
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Local
The Miss Pacific Islands organising committee is excited to welcome Miss Fiji and Miss Tonga to the Miss Pacific Islands 2015.
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Local
A young Kuki is out of his comfort zone, but loving the cold
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Local
Prime Minister Henry Puna has extended his sympathy and support to French president François Hollande in the wake of the tragic Paris attacks.
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Local
Thursday 19 November 2015 | Published in Local
After trying to arrest local publisher George Pitt for contempt of court, the police have made a surprise U-turn and apologised, clearing the charge against him.
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