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Vanuatu election funds falls short

Wednesday 6 January 2016 | Published in Regional

PORT VILA – Vanuatu’s electoral office says it has been allocated US$142,000 less than what it estimates it needs to carry out this month’s snap election. The acting principal electoral officer, Joe Johnson Iati, says the office estimates the election will cost $765,000, but it has only been allocated $622,000. The election was called after the president, Baldwin Lonsdale, dissolved parliament to end weeks of political deadlock that stemmed from the jailing of 14 government MPs for corruption. Iati says the sudden announcement means that the office has had to bring forward election planning and stretch its resources. “There are a lot of challenges. Since we ran into this dissolution of parliament, we’ve had to source all the resources that we have in terms of budget and manpower and we are hoping to have everything smoothly running.” Iati says the office will try its best to run the election within its budget, but the government may be asked to provide extra if that’s not possible. The electoral office says it has received applications from 10 of the jailed former members of parliament to contest the election.

Millionaire status not all that it seems...

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In CI News on Wednesday our Prime Minister, Henry Puna, announced we could all be rich from selling our fish and seabed minerals reminded me of a little business “parable” I once heard which may highlight how we don’t need to sell anything to be rich in Paradise.

PM Puna shows his true colours

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Finally PM Puna has shown his true colours with your headlines in Wednesday’s CI News, “We can all be rich.”

Please stick to pipe decision

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I was pleased to hear that the Rarotonga Environment Authority rejected the Petrocean over the reef pipeline, and for excellent reasons.

We're rich already

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Henry Puna has suggested that selling our fish and undersea nodules will make us all rich.

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Revellers rubbish Rarotonga

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Local

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Fitting words by Dr Seuss character The Lorax, that could equally apply to the thoughtless people trashing Rarotonga’s beaches.

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Last year an eye-opener, says former Demo leader

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Politics

Former Democratic Party leader and CI News columnist Wilkie Rasmussen says 2015 was an “eye-opener” for him.

Inquiry vessel is sunk

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Local

The infamous fishing vessel at the centre of allegations of bribery against a former Minister of the Crown was sunk off Aitutaki at the end of last month.

Where all the happy people are

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Regional

SUVA – Forget police brutality claims and plots to overthrow the government – Fiji has polled highly on the Global Happiness Barometer, beating 66 other countries to be listed as the second happiest country in the world for 2015.

Funding approved for elections

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Regional

PORT VILA – Vanuatu’s caretaker prime minister Sato Kilman has approved ten per cent of a yet to be passed budget to prevent the administration from faltering.

Helicopter service for Tonga initiated

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Regional

NUKU‘ALOFA – Tonga’s own life-saving helicopter service is expected to start in early 2016.

Tong's son misses out

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Regional

TARAWA – Maiana Island in Kiribati, the home island of outgoing president Anote Tong, will go to a second round of voting this week after none of the candidates got 50 per cent of the vote in last week’s initial general election.

Robots to spark seabed gold rush

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Regional

TORONTO – If Toronto-based mining company Nautilus Minerals has it their way, there could soon be a swarm of deep-sea mining robots lurking around on the ocean floor of the Bismarck Sea, near Papua New Guinea, to snatch up deposits of copper, gold and silver.


Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Regional

PAGO PAGO – A 31-year-old man who was washed out to sea while fishing in American Samoa is still missing, presumed dead.

Cyclone Ula hits Tonga and Fiji

Tuesday 5 January 2016 | Published in Regional

SUVA – The first tropical cyclone for 2016 has lashed Fiji’s outlying islands, after causing destruction in parts of Tonga.

Towing to sea option for broken-down ships

Thursday 31 December 2015 | Published in Local

Ports Authority lawyers are working on getting the owners of two immobile vessels in Avatiu harbour to sign liability indemnity agreements.

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Adjournments and more adjournments

Thursday 31 December 2015 | Published in Smoke Signals

What is it with all the criminal cases that are adjourned, week after week, in the Rarotonga High Court? Something has gone badly wrong with the system here. The fault seems to lie in three directions – the Ministry of Justice (which works at glacial speed), the police and the lawyers, with the latter two always needing more time to consult with their “clients.” Meanwhile these miscreants keep enjoying their freedom and don’t get punished for their crimes. It’s nothing for cases to be delayed for 18 months and even two years or more, making the whole system a complete joke. And it’s the taxpayer who has to pay for this expensive mess.

Angaanga Taukore!

Thursday 31 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Tama Etita, Te anoano nei au i te akaari atu i toku mareka kore i te tu kamakura tei rave ia ki to matou nga metua vaerua e noo nei ki roto i to raua ngutuare tei akono ia ei ngai noo anga no raua i to raua tuatau e rave nei i ta raua angaanga tei iki ia ei tavini no to tatou atu ko iesu kirito.

The other side of the land agent issue

Thursday 31 December 2015 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The article in your newspaper on Tuesday December 29 paints only the side of the story given by several land agents to your reporter Florence Syme-Buchanan.

Resolutions centre on God

Thursday 31 December 2015 | Published in Church Talk

When Americans make New Year’s resolutions, a better relationship with God ranks almost as high as better health, a Nashville, USA research firm has found.

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