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Sevens teams out to make mark

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Rugby Union

The pressure will be on this weekend as teams look to make their mark in this Saturday’s Steinlager 7s Finals at Avatiu Field.

How you can triumph over 'the fight inside'

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Opinion

A Native American story tells of a Cherokee grandfather speaking with his grandson: “Son, inside me are two wolves having a terrible fight. One is evil. He is anger, envy, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good. He is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, charity, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” This story has great meaning for those of us on a spiritual path, open to the continual learning and growth for which we were created. It also speaks to parents and teachers, who have the power to shape the lives of children by the way we see them, speak to them, and treat them. For our own sake and that of our children, we need to realise that there is another version of the two wolves story, one that tells us to acknowledge both wolves. I believe we must have compassion for our human frailties, because to ignore our humanness or fight too hard against it merely increases its pressure to be in control. It will hide behind every corner waiting for a moment of weakness, to pounce, sink its teeth into us, and drag us down. So, if we are on a new health regime, choosing to eat healthy, and a longing overcomes us for that greasy burger (with cheese and chips) or that ice cream covered in chocolate sauce, ignoring it will force it to dominate our dreams. Best we indulge occasionally, using moderation as the tiller of our boat. In this way we can eat anything and still lose weight, as long as it is controlled and not gone wild from deprivation. Greed, one of the worst qualities of the evil wolf, begins early. I’ve noticed that when I give my young grandchildren a special treat, such as a lagoon cruise or dessert at a restaurant, they immediately ask when it will happen again. The key is not to blame their greed, or even to name it, but to focus on their gratitude. Telling them, “This was special, and you need to show your gratitude,” calls on the good wolf to take the lead. If I were to say, “Don’t be so greedy,” I would be giving too much attention and power to the bad wolf. Shaming disables inner strength. Naming a virtue empowers it. Even addicts, such as alcoholics, who find they must avoid drinking altogether in order to heal, need to have compassion for themselves. Guilt alone destroys the will to change. One reason it is terribly harmful to spoil and indulge children to expect treats and cheap toys every time they enter a shop is that you are feeding the worst kind of entitlement, teaching them: “If I whine enough, I get whatever I want.” That is feeding the greed, rather than making gifts a special experience to be savoured and enjoyed. I believe that this early learned behaviour leads to binge drinking, a scourge of greed in these islands; as well is infidelity – the pursuit of pleasure at the cost of faithfulness, love and loyalty, qualities of the good wolf that are harder to practice. Moderation, self-discipline, contentment, and gratitude are the soul food we need. Our health improves, our mood lifts, joy increases, and love thrives. We also need to have compassion for our self-pity, our weaknesses, even our greed, and decide if and when to feed it every now and then. I hope you will join the Rarotonga Baha’i community celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Baha’u’llah’s birthday, with an all-day “open house” on Sunday October 22, starting at 10am at the Baha’i Centre, with presentations by local Baha’is, children’s activities, a film at 4pm and kaikai. At 3pm I will present “My Baha’i Faith”, about my own faith journey.

Youth problems, and some solutions

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Opinion

I found the article in CINews on Wednesday October 11 relating to a visit to Atiu by Rebecca Buchanan and Mereana Taikoko very interesting.

Issues of national consciousness

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Opinion

I am a dual citizen, in that I have both a New Zealand and an Irish passport.

Barber's passion becomes a business

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Hot on the Rock

What was once a hobby has turned into a full-time business for successful young barber Nigel Hoeflich who runs Three Brothers Barbershop.

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Students get a taste of trade skills

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Local

School holidays are well underway and this week 10 lucky students took part in the Cook Islands Training Institute (CITTI) “Taste-A-Trade” course for carpentry and welding.

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Conserving Mauke's 'baby' pandanus

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Local

This weekly column is supplied by Te Ipukarea Society. It deals with environmental and conservation issues Aof interest to the Cook Islands.

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Long wait ends for Te Are Manu

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Local

The long-awaited opening of new local animal clinic, Te Are Manu took place on Thursday, with a large number of people gathering to celebrate the launch of an entirely Cook Islands-run animal clinic.

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A precious piece of our history

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Local

A precious artefact held in the National Museum’s National Heritage Collection can truly be described as unique.

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Girl Guides mark 89th birthday

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Local

Girl Guides will be out in full force this Sunday to celebrate 89 years of Guiding in the Cook Islands.

TAU boss helps at Maldives meeting

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Local

Renewable energy was the focus of a major ministerial meeting in the Maldives this week as the Alliance of Small Islands States (AOSIS) gathered for talks on accelerating the commitments under the Climate Change Paris Agreement.

Ruatonga gearing up

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Local

The villagers of Ruatonga have been preparing for the 60th anniversary of the tapere’s meeting house to be held next week.

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Tasty snack for a worthy cause

Monday 16 October 2017 | Published in Local

Pictured grabbing a tasty breakfast snack from the Cook Islands Breast Cancer Foundation sausage sizzle outside the ANZ Bank yesterday morning were Tony Fea’o, Tayla Beddoes and Jess Mather from Cook Islands Tourism Corporation.

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Kuki women to open Oceania Sevens champs

Friday 13 October 2017 | Published in Rugby Union

Oceania Rugby have today released the draw for the 2017 Oceania Rugby Sevens Championships to be held in Fiji in November, with the Cook Islands women’s team opening the tournament.

Be ye therefore perfect – eventually

Friday 13 October 2017 | Published in Church Talk

The scriptures were written to bless and encourage us, and surely they do that.

Writer incorrect on Vaikai Mataiapo title

Friday 13 October 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

As the Pare of Ngati-Vaikai I would like to correct a statement made by letter-writer “Disillusioned Disciple” in CINews on October 2.

Helmet law 'selective and discriminatory'

Friday 13 October 2017 | Published in Letters to the Editor

While I applaud the Cook Islands finally passing a law which requires helmets to be worn when riding motorbikes and scooters, the law is inadequate, selective and discriminatory in its current form.

Teen faces wounding charge

Friday 13 October 2017 | Published in Local

A teenager who was sent to Rarotonga in an attempt to put him “on the straight and narrow” is being charged with two charges of wounding with intent to injure and may be facing jail time.

PSL ship in 'minor' crash

Friday 13 October 2017 | Published in Local

During its first voyage in more than a year last Sunday, the Pacific Schooners Ltd vessel Tiare Taporo collided with Tapi Taio Shipping’s ship Lady Moana and the wharf.

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Tupapa Maraerenga face Matavera

Thursday 12 October 2017 | Published in Football

Tupapa Maraerenga will be hoping to maintain their unbeaten run in the Round Cup Championship when they take on Matavera tomorrow in the premier men’s division.

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