Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features
The Virtues Project is holding workshops for parents, caregivers, teachers and community leaders in each vaka from August 25 to September 8. The free non-denominational workshops are a follow on from the introduction of the Virtues Project in schools. The Virtues Project is now endorsed by the Ministry of Education. The ministry is inviting more […]
Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features
The Cooks-registered Picton Castle pulls into port this morning, a load of crewmembers and even a movie star onboard. Vaka Marumaru Atua will sail out to meet the 179-foot tall ship and escort it into the Avatiu harbour. The ship will be docked here on Rarotonga for 10 days, before it heads to Palmerston and […]
Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Features
Watching whales is an extraordinary experience and a rare privilege. For locals and visitors alike – watching the majestic humpback whales play in our waters from land is a huge buzz. But land based whale watchers have been alarmed at the number of times that boats have been seen chasing whales. And while whale harassment […]
Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I’d like to make it clear for Tere, Moana & Tony and your small group, it is not Sir Terepai Maoate and Aunty Marito that are wanting to continue, it’s the majority of the people of Ngatangiia, for many reasons. Just to name a few: With the support of Aunty Marito, Sir Terepai […]
Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, When is a TV sports report not a report – on the CITV Breathe programme, that’s when. Apparently CITV has no reporter competent to deliver commentary and simply runs a video with music followed up by a ‘summary’ from wannabe ‘personalities’. During the Youth Netball it was so much more informative when Sam’Gumpy’ […]
Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I see the director of audit gets all touchy when he is questioned or his reports are commented on. He put volumes of his unchallenged verbal diarrhea out to the public but feels that we are actually interested in how he feels about his country, how difficult his job is and, here is […]
Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I cannot believe Don Mackenzie will react so stupid and violently to a philosophical argument aimed at the new generation of Cook Islanders. There are thousands of Cook Islanders under this generational definition! Why does he think it is aimed solely at his daughter? Is the plastic acronym racist? I simply put it […]
Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Kata
Saturday 21 August 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
On the issue of the inclusion of departure tax and other charges in flight tickets, a smoke signaller writes: “I would suggest that ‘Check the facts’ keys into and checks any flight Sydney/Rarotonga (direct or via NZ) and you will see additional charges quoted at AU$72.58, Passenger Movement Charge AU$47 (NZ$60), Passenger Service Charge […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk
The Avarua Cook Islands Christian Church Ekalesia is having a four-day conference from Monday August 23 to Thursday August 26. The main theme of the event is ‘Journey Through the Ark’ while the policies, guidelines and strategic plan for the Avarua CICC will also be discussed. A booklet’ Te Araka’ will be the central focus […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk
This is a particularly well known passage of scripture. A lot of Christians use this (and other passages) to take up arms and wage “war” on the enemy. There is no doubt we are called to go against the work of the devil but I do not believe it is in the manner that most […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Church Talk
We are all very familiar with attending funerals – of family, friends, work associates and acquaintances we respected. For some we attend out of a sense of respect and solidarity with the family. Each funeral has its power to move us to a greater or lesser degree, depending how close we were to the deceased. […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Local
Kite flying enthusiast Malcolm Hubbert from West Auckland and his colourful kites attracted families to the beach in Matavera for a fun afternoon yesterday. Story, page 11.
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Local
Police report that speeding motorists are putting Arorangi children walking to school at high risk of danger. Cones have been placed in front of the Aroanui Hall to remind traffic to slow down. The cones and high vest jackets sponsored by Andy Olah of Timberland were purchased to remind all motorists to reduce speed when […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Local
After resigning as the Democratic Party secretary general, Angeline Tuara (above) has ditched the party to run as an independent candidate in Murienua. A few members of the Murienua Demo party committee have also resigned to become Tuara’s committee and support her in the November election. It is understood Tuara will launch her election campaign […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Local
A run-off for the Democratic Party candidate for Ngatangiia will be held next Wednesday. The run-off process was confirmed at Wednesday’s public meeting of party supporters. Candidate nominations must be delivered to the Kia Orana Store in Turangi before 4pm today. Already supporters are registering to vote at the run-off by paying their $2 membership. […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We have been following the Demo Party happenings in Ngatangiia. It is now clear and proven, ie in the paper about this matter, that Sir Terepai Maoate and Marito cannot give, and will not give up the mana, ngateitei, o te politics, the limelight and public attention they receive. This is very sad, […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I found the letters published recently regarding the Honourable MP Teina Bishop’s current behaviour, disheartening. The concerns raised are fair enough, but the forum used was somewhat inappropriate. As he is indeed a politician, do we not have protocols for dealing with such matters more appropriately? Surely we have in place a channel […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is a reply to Norman George’s statement about “plastic Maori”. Norman, in your undisputed position as Teflon coated prince of Cook Island politics and other questioned (but unproven) activities, I find your description of a “Plastic Maori” as directed toward our daughter Teina MacKenzie as both racist and crassly ignorant. As most […]
Friday 20 August 2010 | Published in Kata
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