Saturday 27 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write in response to the letter by Ruaau Voter for Demos. Firstly you say that, and I quote, “I voted for the Demo Candidate in Ruaau” and then you go on to say, and I quote, “if our member in Ruaau decides to do anything, he must ask us first”. Who do […]
Saturday 27 November 2010 | Published in Kata
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk
A three-week course on God’s plan for healthy living was attended by 13 students at Youth With A Mission. Four of the students have come from New Zealand to take part in the course and one participant has flown in from Aitutaki. Elsewhere in the world the course is taught under the name New Start. […]
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Church Talk
The message for today is the story of Lot’s wife which is found in Genesis 18 and 19. But at this point we will focus on Genesis 19:15-26 (NKJV). What really happened? And lessons can we learn from Lots wife. And in your own spare time read the above chapters. Angels were sent to Lot […]
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Local
Eight more MPs were confirmed by the results of the final counts for their constituencies on Wednesday. This follows confirmation of nine new MPs in the final count on Tuesday. The CIP now has 10 of its preliminary 15 seat win confirmed and the Democratic Party has seven of its eight seats won on election […]
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Local
The Cook Islands Party executive has instructed its newly elected candidates not to comment on the continued rumours that Atiu MP Norman George is attempting to form a coalition. George has denied that there is any coalition plot to have himself appointed as PM before the CIP can form the new government under PM elect […]
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Local
Fiji flight ready to go, subject to underwriting The proposed deal with Air Pacific for a weekly flight between Rarotonga and Fiji will now be up to the new government to consider, says CI Tourism chairman Tata Crocombe. Responding to speculation that it could already be a done deal, he says the proposal is ready, […]
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I should not have to be telling MOIP how to do their job, but I do hope that their road gang will be returning to those areas on the road side which still flood after heavy rains, such as the bend in front of the Ngatangiia CICC Church, to fix the problem once […]
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, A few weeks ago after reading one of the good Bishop Pere’s public rants, I was tempted to suggest that he was, quote: “inebriated by the exorbitance of his own verbosity.” I would now further suggest that if he thinks he’s received a divine message in the shape of a racing hermit crab, […]
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I have just read about the mobile coffee van selling coffee around the island. What’s more, it seems from your article that this new business is owned and operated by expatriates. Why doesn’t someone wake up at the BTIB and do their job. Surely there are enough locally owned coffee outlets on the […]
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write in reference to your report of comments at the Tourism Forum last week attributed to CI Tourism chairman Tata Crocombe. While it is correct that he said that the board wanted to see arrival numbers double to over 200,000 per year, he also stated that there was no time frame for […]
Friday 26 November 2010 | Published in Smoke Signals
“Well, if we had any thoughts that the Cook Islands Party might be different from the Demos, we can now set those aside,” a smoke signaller writes. “Took them what – six days – to get a leadership crisis?” Our photo (right) shows a Hot Mix demonstration given by the man himself – Chris Vaile […]
Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Local
Nine members of parliament were confirmed by the Electoral Office yesterday. The final count for most of the southern group islands was carried out on Tuesday and results were issued that night. The results remained the same as on election night even after the special votes were added to the vote tally. The CIP now […]
Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Local
Preliminary concept plans for a $1.5 million complex to house the Cook Islands Sports and National Olympic Committee (CISNOC) have been shown to various stakeholders for consultation. CISNOC presented its Olympic House plans – developed by architect Romani Katoa – during a sport symposium in Rarotonga on Saturday. The complex is being developed to provide […]
Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Your smoke signaller of November 22 misses the point. The beauty of our democratic system is that one does have the right to complain whether one did or did not vote in the general election – the same way an MP takes care of ALL the constituents in his electorate whether or not […]
Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, There was no question who would win, just by how much. Congratulations CIP for a resounding election victory. The swing away from the Demos is a clear indication voters have had a guts full of their shambolic and chaotic administration. Toagate will be long remembered in history as one of the Demos’ biggest […]
Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor. I voted for the Demo candidate in Ruaau. Reading the front page news onTuesday I can only surmise that if Norman George is talking to anyone he would be talking with successful Demo MPs. In your paper I would like to take this opportunity to ask my member for Ruaau that if he […]
Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write in response to all those that cast the ‘stones’ on those who wish to abstain from voting in the Cook Islands General Election process. This is quite ridiculous when many complainers frequently compare us to the likes of Burma or countries where people are persecuted, murdered and stoned etc for trying […]
Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Kata
Thursday 25 November 2010 | Published in Football
The last of the soccer Round Cup Competition matches will be played this week starting with the Under 14 Boys kicking off today at 4.15pm at Raemaru Park between Arorangi and Tupapa. Followed straight after the Under 14 Boys will be the Senior Women. – CIFA Media Draw and referee appointments for today at Raemaru […]
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