Monday 14 February 2011 | Published in Local
Opening up civil list travel figures is a way of “curbing corrupt practices,” says Health Minister Nandi Glassie who is in full support of public disclosure. Prime Minister Henry Puna intends to present a cabinet submission tomorrow asking ministers to support the lifting of the ban imposed almost 30 years ago. Glassie says he will […]
Monday 14 February 2011 | Published in Local
The new Cook Islands Party Government has revived the Price Tribunal and given it a new brief. Finance and Internal Affairs Minister Mark Brown says the three-member tribunal will serve only until government passes the Commerce bill. Brown last week re-affirmed the appointment of Terry Hagan as president with businesswomen Madeline Sword and Tatiana Burn […]
Monday 14 February 2011 | Published in Features
The Ngatangiia Sea Eagles made it two from two at the weekend when they outclassed the Arorangi Bears 16-12 to win on home ground and in front of a thrilled crowd. The win for the Sea Eagles against the Bears comes on the back of their first match of the season win against the Panthers. […]
Monday 14 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, We the electrical contractors and independent electricians have some major concerns with the Energy Division, mainly its electrical inspection division and its performance to date. The situation as it goes: All electricians must pay a practising licence every year ($95), when we start a job. We must take out for builder’s temporary supply […]
Monday 14 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Ex-Finsec Sholan Ivaiti is still saying the government plan to nationalise the fuel industry by buying the Toa and Juhi depots (and forcing Triad out of business), was a good idea. The Heads of Agreement for the purchase of Toa was signed on December 4, 2008, two months ‘after’ BP (the owners of […]
Monday 14 February 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
Prime Minister Henry Puna’s excellent decision to lift the secrecy surrounding the travel costs of Members of Parliament calls into question the integrity of all past governments that have fought to keep the ban in place. In Saturday’s CINews the PM said he didn’t know “why these figures have been so top secret…there’s nothing sensitive […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Local
John Carter. “/> New Zealand’s next High Commissioner to the Cook Islands will be the Minister of Civil Defence, John Carter. Announcing this on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Murray McCully said, “New Zealand and the Cook Islands enjoy a special relationship based on historical, constitutional, and strong people to people links. “The Cooks have been self-governing […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Local
Prime Minister Henry Puna has made an historic decision that no other prime minister in over 20 years has been bold enough to make – with the support of cabinet, he plans to lift the ban on public disclosure of civil list travel figures. Travel costs incurred by ministers and members of parliament have been […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Features
Cook Islander Miria George wrote her first poem when she was eight. Today she laughingly calls it ‘terrible’, but acknowledges that it was her first step toward a flourishing writing career that has taken her around the world and put her in touch with some of the most prominent playwrights in New Zealand. Miria’s father, […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Features
My bio poem Dangerous Daniel Brother of hungry Samson Likes to eat banana Dislikes picking up rubbish One day would want to ride the motorbike By Daniel Ngamata My bio poem Bubbly Bernice Sister of cheeky Mikayla Likes to eat pears Dislikes walking on crutches One day would love to be the next beautiful singer […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Features
For the 30 inmates at Arorangi Prison, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Big-hearted individuals and members of the local community have been pooling resources and donating time and money to ensure that the inmates have the education and the skills they need to make a new life for themselves upon […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Features
Fear for the future of their young families and faith in the Lord was the fuel that kept Arorangi fishermen Johnny George, Te Ina Tapurau Junior and Augustine Heather fighting to survive while adrift at sea. Speaking in Maori, the three men this week shared some of their most terrifying moments when a short fishing […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I’m rather appalled at the flak that Sholan Ivaiti is undeservingly receiving from mischievous characters that appear to be having hallucination episodes. Sholan in all respect was probably the youngest local HOM to take the most demanding job in the Public Sector. One only has to vet his academic achievements and realise the […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, It really baffles me how someone who was obviously one of the more influential players in the Toagate scandal, which has subsequently cost this country tens of millions of dollars, can publicly state that he may now have the answers to getting the Toagate mess cleaned up but that this country would have […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The people of Ngatangiia are totally against the controversial proposal by the Muri Environment Care Group to remove the fish traps. This sentiment was obvious at a community meeting held in Avana Nui meeting house on Wednesday February 9 called by Kainuku Ariki to gauge the reaction of the community to the proposal […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Kia Orana e Tama Etita, Te inangaro nei au ite pau atu ite tuatua a Tamaiva Mataiapo ete katoatoa e manako nei e kia akaitiia mai te numero ote aronga angaanga ate kavamani! Teia taku uiaanga. Me taruna ua te angaanga e okotai rai tangata angaanga ite rave, i toou manako anga naai e rave? […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I write to congratulate the crew and captain of Patrol Vessel Te Kukupa and all the brave local boat owners who participated in the successful rescue of Johnny George and Augustine Heather earlier this week. I add to that, Air Rarotonga who can always be counted on for reliable search and rescue missions. […]
Saturday 12 February 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
“This jetty project for Arorangi is certainly a bit confusing to us simple minded citizens,” a smoke signaller says. “The environmental impact assessment is done and at Environment Service waiting to be published and the $200,000 design is yet to be done. How on earth does the public judge the environmental impact of what is […]
Friday 11 February 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Dear Editor, It filled me with sadness to read in the paper on Wednesday about how a letter writer believes that a normal part of growing up here is being a hormone driven, sex obsessed young 20 something whose life is focused on the social scene. For me, my husband and countless others we know […]
Friday 11 February 2011 | Published in Church Talk
Have we developed a “Fortress Mentality”? This mentality has a crippling influence. When you check the meaning of “Fortress” on the internet, you will find the following definition: something impossible to get into, something that is impenetrable or acts as protection, a stronghold and fortification. The mindset is, rather than taking new grounds for Christ, […]
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