Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in Local
Takitumu paramount chief Marie Pa Ariki is concerned that some ui ariki may again be fooled into believing the far fetched get rich schemes of sovereignty campaigner Bruce Ruatapu Mita and repeat events of 2008-09. The country was thrust into the international spotlight when a number of ui ariki, on the advice of Mita, challenged […]
Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, On Monday morning while driving to work as usual with the radio on, a Maori song that was playing at about 7.40am caught my attention. I was so outraged at such a low class composition on wife beating. What was this person thinking while composing the song, is it a reflection of himself? […]
Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, I am a 22-year-old Cook Islander living in New Zealand. I was living in Rarotonga from 2001 to 2007 and I have seen firsthand how ridiculous the data and speed plans are from dial up to the ‘New Age’ Broadband, and I can tell you after living here in NZ and enjoying 20MB […]
Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in Kata
Friday 11 March 2011 | Published in League
After five weeks of rugby league games – the Avatiu Eels premier grade are the current leaders of the pack with 8 points from 4 wins and 1 loss. Hot on the Eels heels in the grade on 6 points are the Ngatangiia Sea Eagles and Arorangi Bears who have both won 3 games from […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Environment
Even if developed countries adhere to pledges to reduce carbon emissions, global temperatures will rise by 3.2 degrees, says Myra Patai, who headed the Cook Islands delegation to the COP16 (United Nations Climate Change Conference) in Cancun last year. While the world is pressuring developed countries like the US, the EU, Japan, Canada, Australia and […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Local
Teenage pregnancies and adolescent health will be the focus of a two-day workshop on Aitutaki funded by Cook Islands Family Welfare Association (CIFWA), supported by the Women in Sport Commission. Charge nurse of the CIFWA clinic Kathy Koteka says that the two-day workshop starting today, was instigated by Aitutaki participants who attended the Women in […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Local
Longtime Arorangi resident Mere Ofa was last year diagnosed with breast cancer, and her friend June Baudinet is encouraging Rarotonga to rally behind her and support her both emotionally and financially. Baudinet has been emailing local businesses seeking donations to help fund Mere’s $20,000 chemotherapy treatment. She has also set up a Westpac account (#2000290110) […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Local
The government wants to see island councils take more responsibility in running their respective islands – as opposed to island secretaries doing this because they believe it to be their responsibility. Conflicts between island councils and island secretaries have led to “heaps of problems with the outer islands in the past,” says Prime Minister Henry […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Since the calamity of the earthquake in Christchurch coupled by the loss of lives in a disaster so devastating for the people of Christchurch and the entire nation, it is good to hear the Cook Islands Community in Christchurch coming together to provide spiritual and emotional support amongst each other during these difficult […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, The new Speaker of the House is operating in very murky waters. The other unelected parliamentarian in the Pacific who has problems with the media is in Fiji. Under our Constitution the Government can appoint an additional number of parliamentarians who have the right to speak but not to vote in the house. […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, This is ridiculous… perhaps Sir Geoffrey genuinely feels he has cause for complaint but it’s time journalism stopped apologising for doing its job and I can’t think of anyone better than John Woods to ever so politely suggest there might be other priorities facing parliament such as chronic under attendance and unbridled executive […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Regarding the sound quality at the national auditorium, I came down to tutor trainees in 2005 who later became the best auditorium technical crew up until mid 2010. In late 2010 I was asked to return to tutor a fresh crew after the `best’ were dismissed for unbelievable personal issues. I could not […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Kata
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
California blues songster Diana Harris – whose husky vocals remind critics of Renee Geyer, Sharon Jones and Gladys Knight – performs tonight at the Little Polynesian. Harris first performed on Rarotonga at Billy TK Jnr’s Cook Islands Jazz and Blues Festival three years ago, and since then has returned each year to the ‘magic’ she […]
Thursday 10 March 2011 | Published in Smoke Signals
“At the 100th celebration of International Women’s Day, Punanga Tauturu manager Kairangi Samuela said men have the choice whether to ‘hit her or not’,” writes a smoke signaller. “When are we ever going to learn there is only ONE choice – NOT to hit her? C’mon Kairangi – what we should be educating our people […]
Wednesday 9 March 2011 | Published in Environment
Climate change adaption advocates are pushing for a new unit to be established within the Office of the Prime Minister, as a central entity to manage climate change functions for the Cook Islands. It is envisiged the unit will primarily coordinate and integrate existing climate change-related bodies and individuals within the Cook Islands government as […]
Wednesday 9 March 2011 | Published in Local
New Speaker of Parliament Sir Geoffrey Henry is threatening to haul Cook Islands News before the Parliamentary Privileges Committee for possible ‘contempt of parliament’. It’s the same form of action taken against the newspaper for cartoons considered offensive to parliament 15 and 18 years ago. Sir Geoffrey has instructed the Clerk of Parliament to request […]
Wednesday 9 March 2011 | Published in Local
The cyclone season does not officially end until the last week of April, but the Cook Islands is not likely to experience any cyclones before then. As an indication that it is still cyclone season for the Pacific region, the Cook Islands Meteorological Service is currently monitoring a tropical depression just west of Fiji that […]
Wednesday 9 March 2011 | Published in Local
Clear instructions have been given to New Zealand officials to quicken the pace of the Arorangi jetty project by Foreign Minister Murray McCully, says Prime Minister Henry Puna. During recent talks between Puna and McCully, the reasons for delays affecting progress on the project were identified as the hydrological survey of the landing. Puna says […]
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