Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Environment
June Hosking, coodinator of the recent Lagoon Day environment awareness and education events, was asked what do you propose we do? by Koutu Nui Aronga Mana when they visited Nukupure Park for the two-day programme. Here Hosking puts her thoughts together on the way forward to protect and preserve our precious natural environment. 1. Immediate […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Environment
Lagoon Day finished a week ago, but not for all of us. Debriefs, reports and recommendations will hopefully ensure an even better event in 2012. For me personally its been a long, but interesting task to read through students answers gained during presentations. Especially encouraging to read comments such as, I learned things this year […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Environment
The Aitutaki Environment Authority has moved to stop all building on motu Maina Iti. Maina Iti is a sand cay that emerged naturally about 20 years ago. As such, it falls under the jurisdiction of the Crown so the Environment Authoritys decision awaits endorsement from the Island Council. Presently there are two permanent structures on […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Local
The Auckland City Council is more than willing to help the Cook Islands government upgrade water systems on Rarotonga. Prime minister Henry Puna met with Auckland mayor Len Brown this week. They spent an hour discussing projects in the Cook Islands that the Auckland City Council is prepared to facilitate, including projects in infrastructure, roading, […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Local
Tupapa member of parliament George Maggie has been admonished by three New Zealand judges for an inappropriate letter to the court. Justices Sir Ian Barker, David Williams and Robert Fisher, who were this week presiding over Court of Appeal cases in the Cook Islands High Court at Avarua , received a letter from Maggie. He […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Local
Eleven businesswomen and professional women were nominated for the coveted Woman of the Year award this year. Nominees (back from left) Julie Bateman, Maeva Henry, Vaine Arioka, (front from left) Rosa Tauia, Tai Wichman and Nadine Newnham. At press time, the winner had not been announced she was presented with her award at a dinner […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Features
A poetry book featuring a number of Cook Islands poets has been shortlisted at the New Zealand Post Book Awards. Mauri Ola: Contemporary Polynesian Poems in English, Whetu Moana II, is a finalist for the poetry category of this years Post book awards. Mauri Ola is a sequel to Whetu Moana a book of contemporary […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Features
Young Cook Islands artist Nathan Welsh spray-paints his uncle Fletcher Melvins rudderless canoe. Welsh, who was born and bred on Rarotonga, is now based in New Zealand but is back home this week for his art show. His pieces which are influenced by street culture and contemporary urban art are on display at The Art […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Features
Expressions of interest are being sought by the government for scholarship awards to study in New Zealand and the Pacific region. The Department of National Human Resources Development is calling on those interested in undertaking tertiary education to submit applications before July 7. Suitable qualified Cook Islanders will be considered for the scholarships for the […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Features
Newly opened shop Kidz R Us is offering a range of baby products from nappies and petroleum jelly to clothing, bedding and strollers. Owners Tashi and Ziona Tutai are renting the Maraerenga building and have transformed it into a purple and green wonderland for expectant mothers, new parents, and anyone wanting to purchase gifts and […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Features
Trader Jacks has buckled under the pressure of three separate cyclones, but each time its managed to rise again. And as it celebrates 25 years this week, the iconic bar boasts a reputation that stretches around the region and even, perhaps, the world. Twenty five years is a long time, owner Jack Cooper said, as […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Features
For three hours on Wednesday night, a packed nearly-to-capacity auditorium was spellbound. Those who turned up to watch Once Upon a Reef the theatrical version of Cook Islands legend Pipirima had nothing but praise for the Cook Islands cast, crew and storyline. Main characters Melinda Pierre and Tuaine (Katu) Teiti were emotive and expressive, the […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Referring to Yolande Brownes letter of May 22, we are also from the Tangiia Nui you are talking about. People have different stories of Tangiia Nui. He is known to the Manihikian, the Rangiatea and Raiatea as Te Mata O Uhenga. I am from the Ukarau Arera lines on my Pukapuka and Aitutakian […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor I refer to Norman Georges letter to the editor in your paper dated, 3 June 2011, asking government to introduce a Police Complaints Authority which is probably a good idea. However, I would like to assure members of the community and visitors that they do not need to wait for one to be […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Dear Editor, Katas cartoon in your paper of 3 June 2011, referred to my best detective being charged for smoking pot. I categorically refute this and would like to assure members of our community including our visitors that my best detectives are still serving with me, and working tirelessly and to the best of their […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in Letters to the Editor
Ki te Editor Kare rava au e rekareka ana i teia aronga kite surfing rubbish e te akatu are ki Maina Iti. Ko Maina Iti ko Maina atupaka rai ia its part of big Maina. Noai ma teia motu no matou ma atu enua- Elia family 7 acres yes I am a land owner- Avei […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in National
After five months of careful work, Rarotonga-based carver Te Aturangi Nepia-Clamp has finished a 19-metre wooden flagpole in honour of Christchurch earthquake victims. The flagpole bears images of Maori gods the gods of the forest, earth and wind and towers over the Parewahawaha marae in Bulls. Nepia-Clamp pledged five years ago to carve a flagpole […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in National
As a young girl growing up on Pukapuka and Rartonga, Tuaine Bailey could not know that watching and copying her mother and the mamas weaving pandanus and coconut fronds would prove valuable some sixty years later. Tuaine, daughter of the late Mana and Mauariki Strickland, was recently capped with a bachelors degree in Maori art […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in National
Motone Productions is putting on a scriptwriting workshop next Wednesday. Leading the workshop is Victor Rodger, a journalist, actor and award-winning New Zealand playwright whose theatre work deals with race, racism and identity. Rodgers play Sons won acclaim at the Chapman Tripp Theatre Awards (1998) and received Best New Writer and Most Outstanding New New […]
Saturday 11 June 2011 | Published in National
A Rarotonga hospital nurse has denied two charges of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or both, and driving with an excess blood alcohol level of 216.5 milligrams more than twice the legal limit of 100 milligrams. The 27-year-old nurse, from Nikao, was granted interim name suppression by Justice of the Peace […]
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