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Articles by Utopia Support

Mitiaro men shine at netball

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in Netball

In the not too distant future Mitiaro will have a talented pool of netball players to tap into after a highly successful development programme run on the island by Netball Cook Islands development officer Luciana Matenga. With the assistance of the island’s sports association president Mata Noota, Mitiaro School principal Tirotoru Tararo and Eli Stricland, […]

Weekly travel diary for cabinet ministers

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in National

All cabinet ministers will be in Rarotonga this coming week except for Teariki Heather. Heather was intending to leave for New Zealand on a private trip for four weeks last week but was detained by work in Rarotonga. He is now planning on leaving this weekend and will be back in Rarotonga by March 12.

Gifts and goodwill overwhelm Red Cross

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in National

Already the new Cook Islands Red Cross headquarters building is filling up with evidence of its close relationships with sister organisations both within the Cook Islands and abroad. Following a ceremony marking the opening of the headquarters building on Thursday was a presentation of gifts, the most notable being the $1000 cheque presented by Swiss […]

Nukutere beach day designed for bonding

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in National

Bonding for a smooth year of learning was the aim of the Nukutere College beach picnic in Nikao recently organised by the school prefects. Fun relays, beach volleyball and sandy Zumba were all part of the fun at the outing. Each class at the college dressed to their own theme with year eight students declared […]

60 Plus party time

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in National

Members of the 60 Plus ground gathered for a luncheon at Coco Putt on Wednesday where they showed their support for Mereana Taikoko and her Te Kainga Mental Health and Wellbeing Centre in Panama. At the gathering Taikoko shared some of the work Te Kainga does and she also spoke at length about the high […]

Govt backs Are Pa Metua

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in National

The Cook Islands government remains committed to senior citizen support centre Are Pa Metua and is maintaining its contribution to the service, says Ministry of Internal Affairs secretary Bredina Drollet. The ministry continues to give $15,000 annually to the service to help it maintain its work for the senior citizens of Rarotonga. Drollet said internal […]

Neighbourhood watch patrols can't do it all

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in National

Lack of community support and funding across Puaikura vaka for its neighbourhood watch programme may be part of the problem for a recent rise in burglary within the area. They are continuing running their normal programme of patrolling three nights a week, and are seeking increased involvement and funding from the community. This will be […]

Dictionaries dished out at Tereora

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in National

Tereora College year 9 students will no doubt be poring over their new pictorial dictionaries donated to the national college by the Rotary Bay of Islands Club in New Zealand. Visiting Rotarian Frank Leadley visited the national college on Friday to deliver the dictionaries to appreciative students. Rotary Cook Islands and Bay of Islands have […]

Mangaia generator goes to Atiu

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in National

Pa enua minister Teariki Heather and fellow Cabinet ministers Teina Bishop and Nandi Glassie have been credited with saving Atiu from its energy crisis. On Wednesday Heather, Glassie and Bishop arrived in Mangaia, together with Atiu mayor Taoro Brown and Mangaia public utilities manager Anthony Whyte, to ask the mayor and secretary to approve an […]

Quake hero relishes a good night's sleep

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in National

A good night’s sleep is one of the things Christchurch hero Hunter Coleman is enjoying most. The GIS mapping engineer is visiting the Cook Islands as part of the Heroes initiative which is bringing 82 people from quake stricken Christchurch to enjoy the local hospitality and summer on an all expenses paid trip provided by […]

Nations can't keep borrowing

Saturday 3 March 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

A smoke signaller writes: “The wise Chinese philosopher Confucius says ‘man with hand in other man’s pocket not feeling himself today’. Forty years ago that was a terrible giggly school kid joke; now it comes back to mind as a terrible reality worldwide as nations live on credit. Just how long can you have your […]

The solution to self-centeredness

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

Aim-i-self.jpg “/> Part 1 of an article by Pastor Tevai Matapo of the Assemblies of God (Part 2 – The solution to self-centeredness) I believe that there was a time in Cook Islands culture when we could safely say that we are a collective society where the majority of people truly cared for the welfare […]

LDS elder reports back

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Church Talk

An international Church of Latter Day Saints website published the following story on Monday. It details the visit of Elder F Michael Watson to the Cook Islands in January. Elder F. Michael Watson of the Seventy was warmly greeted by members of the church as he visited the Cook Islands in January. Elder Watson presided […]

3G trial planned

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Local

Telecom Cook Islands has scheduled a 3G trial for April. Chief executive Jules Maher says bringing 3G to the Cook Islands will be an expensive undertaking, one that will necessitate a gradual rollout. Still, he says, it is something Telecom is keen to achieve. “Ideally it would be wonderful to have 3G throughout the country […]

War veteran stuck in NZ by law

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Local

Injured Vietnam veteran Bill Framhein moved home to Rarotonga years ago for a better quality of life, but quickly learned that living in the Cook Islands would disqualify him from collecting his veterans’ pension and superannuation. Currently Framhein spends half the year in Porirua and the other half with his wife Lydia in Rarotonga – […]

Censor and police fail to stop pirates

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Local

Empire Theatre management is crestfallen to learn that the pirates are back. In an attempt to quash piracy, the theatre worked out a series of arrangements with New Zealand film distribution companies whereby it receives certain films before their world release dates. Those companies agreed to the arrangement on the basis that the Cook Islands […]

'Great day in a great nation'

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Features

At the most basic level, a ceremony at the Cook Islands Red Cross headquarters yesterday honoured the long-awaited completion of a construction project. But the celebration was more than that – a series of speeches were made and a kaikai was enjoyed in honour of the local Red Cross and what it has become, its […]

Ferry proposal: another disaster looms

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, The story in the March 1 issue about a ferry service for Aitutaki using a “Corsaire 6000” is a classic example of why a shoemaker should stick to making shoes. The vessel in question was originally built in 1993/4 and launched as the “Emeraude” made for service in the Channel Islands off France. […]

Rock armour slope vindicated

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, In response to the points raised by Mr Don Dorrell, a beach will generally reflect less wave energy than the proposed rock armour slope. However, the need to create a turning basin in the harbour for the safe and efficient operation of the harbour means that there is no space to maintain the […]

Bring Norman George home

Friday 2 March 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

E tama, Aka’oki mai ia ratou tei akaruke ia tatou, ki roto i te koro Demo. E numero tangata tena ka inangaro ia, uatu ta ratou takatakai ia tatou i te au ati’anga i topa. Akakoromaki. Aka’oki mai ia Norman George meia tatou i aka’oki mai ia Jim Marurai e Wilkie Rasmussen tei oro ana […]

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