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Church Talk

Articles by Utopia Support

How times change!

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I would like to comment on the photo of the young dancer Te iti O te Ra which accompanied last week’s Churchtalk article on the nine fruits of the spirit by the Rev. Papa Aratangi of the Nikao Ekalesia. I could feel missionaries like Williams, the Gills and the Rev Buzacott “turn in […]

Land clearing will pollute lagoon

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I thought it was fairly well known that the worst pollution of our precious lagoon happened when there was heavy rain which washed out creeks (and overflowing septic tanks) making unsightly and, more to the point, unhealthy brown stains in the areas of the lagoon where this filthy water ended up. A few […]

Focus on training

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Once again, I have read in your newspaper regarding the tightening up of warrant of fitness regulations. While all this is well and good, I wonder if the appropriate measures are targeting the right area. It would be interesting to know how many of our road accidents are caused by unsafe vehicles, because […]

'Little people, be very afraid'

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, With reference to the article (April 28, 2012), entitled It’s about iti tangata. What a one-sided and unfair treatment, especially with reference to the Mauke case cited. Anonymous ‘local lawyer’ doesn’t seem to know the difference between iti tangata and ‘little people’ (tangata rikiriki). Iti tangata is the general populace (including banks and […]

Kata - April 30, 2012

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in Kata

New head of regional health protection

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in National

“I do believe that if there is a problem there are bound to be solutions, as long as people recognise the ties that they have with one another as a world community.” This is the opinion of Dr Yvan Souars, manager and medical epidemiologist of the Secretariat of the South Pacific’s (SPC) Health Protection Programme, […]

Siren test in Tupapa

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in National

Emergency sirens in Tupapa will sound today in their first test run since being installed earlier this year. The emergency sirens installed at the Tupapa Meetings House will be switched on about midday, giving the surrounding area a taste of what they could expect in warning of a tsunami or other natural disasters. Tupapa Pu […]

Young entrepreneurs get their chance

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in National

Students at Tereora College and Enuamanu School have been asked to think smart for the return of the young entrepreneurs programme. Pupils in both Rarotonga and Atiu have been included in the programme so far under the guidance of the Business Trade Investment Board (BTIB) and the Ministry of Education. Twenty-seven youth at Atiu aged […]

Australian numbers up

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in National

The emerging Australian market for visitors to the Cook Islands has continued to show growth in March, with almost 40 percent more people coming from the country in 2012 than they did last year. The number of Australians travelling to the Cook Islands during the month swelled by 39 percent when compared to last year […]

'Mineral potential attracts China'

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in National

Former government minister Papa Tupui Ariki Henry thinks there is plenty the Cook Islands can offer China, but the most important thing it has to offer is potential. Henry thinks that the People’s Republic of China would have a good idea of what lays below the sea in Cook Islands waters and what they will […]

Outlaws win five-a-side soccer comp

Monday 30 April 2012 | Published in Football

After 10 weeks and six games of five-a-side soccer, team Outlaws claimed the round cup championship title in the men’s division last Monday at the CIFA complex in Matavera. Outlaws took out the round cup after defeating a spirited Nek Minit side in the last round game winning by 10 goals to three. Nek Minit […]

Oil leak under investigation

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Local

About half a barrel of waste oil leaked in to the Avatiu stream earlier this week when rainwater flooded a catchment tank, according to a Te Aponga Uira spokesman. TAU communications advisor Trevor Pitt said the quick response of workers at the power station meant that much of the leak was contained and removed from […]

Renowned divas coming for Opera in Paradise

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Buy tickets now if you’re looking for the ultimate opera experience on Rarotonga. Opera in Paradise is quickly approaching, and tickets to the May 25-26 event are limited so make sure to buy yours soon. Tickets are on sale at Natura Holidays in the CITC shopping centre complex, The Cafe, Coco Latte, Motone Productions (ph […]

'Film Raro' challenge launched

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Media producer Cook Islander Stan Wolfgramm is bringing a “film challenge like no other in the world” to Rarotonga. Wolfgramm’s award-winning media company Drum Productions is planning the inaugural Film Raro challenge for March 2013, and is already in the process of planning it. Drum Productions outlines its core objective as the “social and economic […]

Octopoems on a president, a frog, a policeman, a witch

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Creative writing by Avatea School pupils features on this week’s Kids Page. The Year Seven and Eight students have been studying different types of poetry, such as octopoems, which are poems that are written in eight lines. They have created their own octopoems as part of learning to express themselves through poetry writing. Each student […]

Passion and power in dance

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Nga-Pu-Toru dancer Teariki Mateariki danced in a league of his own on Thursday night to take out the 2011 senior male dancer of the year title for the fourth year in a row. Mateariki’s passion for Cook Islands dance lit the stage as he dedicated his slow beat dance to his Christian faith before showcasing […]

Artist in residence feels emotional connection

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Artist Sylvia Marsters estimates she produces, on average, several paintings a year. But as the Beachcomber Contemporary Art Gallery’s artist in residence, she’s under pressure to produce seven separate works in the space of two months. It’s a tall order, and one that requires complete and utter focus. Marsters says often people assume artists approach […]

'Everything's better here'

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

Artist Nanette Lela’ulu opens a new exhibit at Beachcomber Contemporary Art gallery on Tuesday – her first show since relocating from Auckland to Rarotonga. Lela’ulu’s move enriches the local arts community, which she has been intermittently a part of since doing a residency at the National Museum in 2006. Following her sting as Creative New […]

Tradewinds store back to life

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Features

If you’re living in Tupapa you would have noticed what was once B-Mart is once again Tradewinds. Tradewinds Limited first opened in 1991 and closed in 2000. “The shop was vacant for some time before the Brownes took over in 2004,” says land and store owner Teina Vakapora. It’s been a long journey for the […]

Kata - April 28, 2012

Saturday 28 April 2012 | Published in Kata

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