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Articles by Utopia Support

Patrick proves it's possible

Tuesday 15 May 2012 | Published in National

New Zealand media recently covered a story about Cook Islander Patrick Kauraka, who lost 60 kilograms in one year. The story, reproduced below, featured in Stuff at the weekend. Patrick Kauraka shed 60 kilograms over the past year using nothing but pure will and determination to reach for steamed broccoli instead of fried chicken. The […]

New regular northern shipping service confirmed

Tuesday 15 May 2012 | Published in National

The Samoa Shipping Corporation plans to send a vessel through the Cook Islands’ northern group once every two months to deliver goods and fuel to the islands. The company has a two-year licence to run its services in the Cook Islands, but there are no restrictions or requirements on the frequency of journey to the […]

Dredge still on way

Tuesday 15 May 2012 | Published in National

Excavator equipment destined for use as a dredge in the Avatiu harbour development has not yet arrived in the Cook Islands as was described in Cook Islands News yesterday. The barge carrying the heavy machinery is due to arrive on Rarotonga from New Zealand during the week and will be put to use next week […]

Super penalties

Tuesday 15 May 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

After receiving an emailed letter yesterday from the Cook Islands National Superannuation Fund in respect of penalty fees to late payments, a smoke signaller quipped: ”These people are more efficient than MFEM!“ The letter advised all employers that as of May21 any overdue contribution payments may incur penalty fees, as provided in the CINSF Act […]

Organic farming venture advanced

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Environment

A successful public-private partnership in Cook Islands is helping the country realise its plans to revitalise agriculture by developing organic farming. The partnership was last week highlighted at a meeting of the Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community (POETCom) in Papeete, French Polynesia. The Cook Islands delegation was led by associate minister of agriculture Kiriau […]

Moringa plantation launched

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Environment

The first moringa oleifera plantation on Rarotonga was launched on Wednesday morning with light showers of rain at the time deemed a blessing on the project. The nutritional benefits of the moringa oleifera plant were discovered by Mauke resident Hugh Graham when he was researching stock feed for his goat project on the island. On […]

Jetty design tweaked

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Local

A number of minor changes to the Arorangi cruise ship jetty project have been incorporated into the jetty’s design plans, bringing the project another step closer to the start of its construction. The jetty design last month underwent a peer review through companies in New Zealand to ensure it can stand up to the forces […]

Australia proposes $55 departure tax

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands government might consider accusing the Australian government of plagiarism after they announced their plans for the nation’s departure tax in last week’s budget announcement. The Australian plans for their so-called passenger movement tax are similar to the Cook Islands’ intentions and financial secretary Richard Neves looked on with interest as the Australian […]

Dredge arrives for Avatiu port project

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Local

Ten weeks of 24-hour dredging is due to begin in Avatiu Harbour from today. The backhoe dredge Kimahia has arrived in the port after a two-week tow from Auckland. The 100-tonne, barge-mounted excavator is the largest of its type in New Zealand and will carry out the dredging of the port as part of the […]

Lacks balance

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I refer to your story heading ‘60 seeking 10 HOM positions’. Is it appropriate that the Chair of the Selection Panel is the Public Service Commissioner? He is ultimately the employer. It has been the practice for many years that the position of chairman of the selection committee is an independent one, one […]

A serviceman is mourned

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Last week, we buried one of our ex RNZAF servicemen in Hamilton, NZ, and one of our guys recited the following poem that really hit me. Having served 20 years in the RNZAF and comparing what we lost with the recent state funeral, I thought it appropriate to forward and share this with […]

Call to greet and show love to vaka fleet

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I think you should call upon our paddling fraternity (some of the best in the world) to paddle out and give the traditional vaka fleet a welcome worthy of the Cook Islands when they arrive this week. I think the schools should consider a mass greeting if it could be arranged. I realise […]

Kata - May 14, 2012

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Kata

Eels make rugby league grand final

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in League

The Avatiu Eels premier rugby league team are waiting in the wings to find out who their grand finals opponent will be after edging out the Tupapa Panthers on Friday night 27-16. The first and second place playoff was a slick match with both sides playing classy league but it was the sneaky and slippery […]

Film challenge accepting scripts

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in National

The Cook Islands’ own international film challenge – which claims to be like ”no other in the world“ – is now accepting scripts. Driven by Cook Islander and experienced filmmaker Stan Wolfgramm, the challenge will encourage eight international film crews to shoot and create films on Rarotonga in March of next year. Their expenses will […]

Bishop helps identify Pacific priorities

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in National

Minister Teina Bishop is in Vanuatu this week to help identify the education priorities for the Pacific in a Forum Education Ministers Meeting in Port Villa. The meeting is the ninth gathering of Forum education ministers and will provide an opportunity for the Pacific leaders to explore how they can work together in developing education […]

Busy work sheet for health minister

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in National

Minister of Health Nandi Glassie will attend the Commonwealth Health Ministers’ Meeting followed by the World Health Assembly in Geneva this month, at which he will discuss with leaders how they are tackling critical issues such as non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in their countries. More than 170 countries are expected to be represented by their ministers […]

PM estimates energy overhaul at $800m

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in National

Prime Minister Henry Puna has estimated it will cost US$800 million to overhaul the country’s energy template in order that all of its electricity comes from renewable sources. Puna, who is also in-coming chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, told a high-level conference in Barbados that he is still committed to supporting the Sustainable Energy […]

Teen enters pageant 'to gain confidence'

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in National

Proud Telecom staff crowded the room to watch as this year’s Miss Telecom Cook Islands Saramata Takai signed her sponsorship agreement on Friday, sealing her status as the second Miss Cook Islands pageant contestant to be introduced to the public. The 18-year-old beauty will represent Telecom Cook Islands at the Miss Cook Islands pageant in […]

We all need a chuckle even if it hits a nerve

Monday 14 May 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

Responding to last week’s Smoke Signal Govt has to ‘go up’, a smoke signaller writes: ”Kata has a satirical role rather than to critique. In the process this may come across as a criticism and satire usually exaggerates a story or event. Politicians are not immune to this and generally set themselves up rather well. […]

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