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Articles by Utopia Support

Fuel going by naval vessel

Thursday 14 June 2012 | Published in National

Cabinet minister Teariki Heather rose yesterday in Parliament to correct a statement he had made the day prior. ”I rise to correct some anomaly in my reply to the question raised by the leader of the Opposition yesterday,“ he said. ”This is in regards to the boat that is bringing diesel and landing it in […]

Barge back for Mauke, Mitiaro projects

Thursday 14 June 2012 | Published in National

Work on the development of the Mauke harbour is nearing completion with a handover of the project expected to be carried out in about three weeks. Yesterday, another barge load of material and equipment for the harbour development projects on Mauke and Mitiaro arrived at Avatiu harbour. The Mycon barge, towed by the Viking Spirit […]

Pension increase 'a first step'

Thursday 14 June 2012 | Published in National

In Parliament this week Mitiaro member of Parliament Tangata Vavia asked finance minister Mark Brown to explain the economic impact of an increase in pensions for people over 70. Raising the fortnightly pension, with a view to ultimately doubling it within the next three years, will cost the government $8.6 million this fiscal year. Brown […]

Mangaia petition raises questions

Thursday 14 June 2012 | Published in National

A petition has been circulated around Mangaia’s island leaders requesting that Mangaia choose their next secretary for island administration to be Junior Areai, of DJ Agencies in Rarotonga, despite Areai claiming he knows nothing about such a petition. The current government representative for Mangaia, Ngai Areai, is circulating the petition, which requests signatures from the […]

Dengue under control

Thursday 14 June 2012 | Published in National

Despite eleven cases of dengue-like fever being reported to the Ministry of Health during May, only three turned out to be positive. The statistics were reported in the event, surveillance and response (ESR) unit monthly report. Director of community health services Dr Rangi Fariu says 11 suspicious dengue fever cases were reported in Rarotonga, but […]

New passion

Thursday 14 June 2012 | Published in National

Former Miss Maine Purotu and national dance champion Uirangi Bishop hopes to take charge of a vaka one day. The 24-year-old Aitutaki woman is on Cook Islands Vaka Marumaru Atua which was part of World Oceans Day celebrations in Suva this week. After boarding in Aitutaki in the Cooks to Samoa and then to Fiji, […]

National plan for sharks

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in Environment

The Ministry of Marine Resources (MMR) will hold a consultation on its National Plan of Action for Sharks starting on Thursday afternoon at 1pm and continuing Friday morning at New Hope Church, Avarua, Rarotonga. MMR secretary Ben Ponia will lead the consultation which will include a presentation on global and regional shark issues by Dr […]

Minister advocates 'smacking'

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in Local

Cabinet minister Teariki Heather has said that to curb youth crime, government should allow ”parents to smack their children“. During question-and-answer time in Parliament yesterday, Nikao MP Ngamau ‘Aunty Mau’ Munokoa raised the issue of youth crime, directing her comment at the minister of police. ”This is to do with our children who are causing […]

'Rocket' man's return

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in Local

Norman George claims to be back with the Demos. The Teenui-Mapumai MP said in Parliament yesterday that he has been admitted to the Atiu branch of the Democratic Party. ”I’m back home, Mr Deputy Speaker,“ he said, adding that he was also nominated as the Democratic Party candidate for Teenui-Mapumai during the 2014 general elections. […]

'Toagate' back in the limelight

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in Local

Atiu MP Norman George raised the ‘Toagate’ issue – long a thorn in government’s side – in Parliament yesterday. He asked finance minister Mark Brown whether government was still giving Toa an annual payout of up to $1 million, and to explain why. Brown confirmed that government is still paying Toa – or topping up […]

Pearls gifted to Miss CI titleholders

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in Features

The Pearl Lounge had three special pearls in store yesterday when Miss Cook Islands Teuira Napa, Maine Tapaeru Antonina Browne and Maine Purotu Kate Ngatokorua visited the Arorangi store. The three young women were at the store to accept gifts of pearl pendants from store owners Sophie and Gus Meyer – the parents of former […]

Kata - June 13, 2012

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in Kata

National netballers meet the men

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in Netball

Rarotonga based national netball squad members are being whipped into shape ahead of the Pacific Netball Series in Fiji at the end of the month. For the past four months, the Rarotonga based players have been put through their paces by trainer Rolly Roleston while assistant coach Mii Maui has been polishing up their skills […]

A million litres of diesel makes Aitutaki's power

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in National

The Aitutaki Power Supply is currently calling for tenders to supply diesel to the power station on Aitutaki. The contract to supply Aitutaki power station (APS) with diesel has been with Reef Bulk Fuel of Auckland for the last 12 years. Their latest three year contract is about to expire, leaving the way clear for […]

Brown defends levy

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in National

Finance minister Mark Brown hit back yesterday at Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen’s criticism of the fizzy drink import levy. Rasmussen has been vocal in his attack of the Budget, which reflects a $98,000 surplus that he believes is the result of number-shifting rather than wise financial planning. On Monday he alleged that by enacting import […]

Text number up

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in National

A new youth counselling textline is due to start working today – two weeks after the launch of free youth helpline 0800 HELP. The service is run by Youthline New Zealand and is a free and confidential support network that troubled youth can ring – and now text – for advice. The number to text […]

MP swears off fizzy drinks

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in National

Aitutaki Member of Parliament Mona Ioane has praised the Budget for addressing the needs of people in the pa enua. He said Budget Book 3, which outlines all government’s funded capital works over the next three years, is his ”favourite book“. ”This is my favourite book because in there, there is a lot about the […]

Smoke signal in House

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in National

Tupapa-Maraerenga MP George Angene has said that while he supports the Budget, he sympathises with smokers over the increase in the import levy for tobacco. ”I am taking a look around this house and I believe I am the only smoker and I am encouraging my colleagues to smoke so that you will be strong […]

$1.7m for ministerial support

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in National

The Budget reduces funds available for ministerial support offices by $3000, resulting in a net appropriation of $1.79 million a year. ”Over time the Ministerial Support Offices appropriation has increased in amounts and staffing numbers to the point where the appropriations are fiscally unsustainable,“ reads Budget Book 1. ”The Ministerial Support Offices have undertaken a […]

Budget not a 'wish list' – Brown

Wednesday 13 June 2012 | Published in National

Finance minister Mark Brown has dismissed Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen’s allegations that his Budget was ”for show“ and ”about appearances“. He notes that Budget Book 3 is not a ”wish list“, but instead sets out a schedule of projects that are ”definitely“ funded. ”The process we’ve done is outlined exactly the projects we’re going to […]

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