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Articles by Utopia Support

Only hope is moving overseas

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Last night on One News there was a news item relating to the reduction in fuel prices in NZ with the cost of diesel to drop to $1.46 per litre. Seeing that the cost of the same product in this country is currently at least $2.50 per litre, I would like to know […]

Muri road needs attention

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I can see reason for the need to improve the state of the road in Avarua but surely the terrible state of the road in Muri, the so-called jewel in the crown when it comes to the country’s tourism industry, warrants urgent improvement? If anything, when talking about the tourism industry, Muri beach […]

Encouragement for the executive

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, After reading of the plight of the Pukapuka Community of NZ Inc, I wanted to write some words of encouragement to the executive of the group. According to the NZ Herald report, the community has already sold off two properties to pay their debts and are planning to sell two more. My advice […]

Queen honours two local men

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

Two additional Cook Islanders have been selected for the Queen’s birthday honours award, due to their outstanding services to the community. The Queen’s representative Sir Frederick Goodwin has announced that Daniel Apii will become a member of the civil division of the most excellent order of the British Empire (MBE) for services to the public […]

Private schools funding increased

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

Budget 2012 makes provision for an increase in public funding to private schools. The increase is reflective of an increase in the number of students attending private schools this year. Last financial year, private schools received $1.6 million – $111,000 of which was taken from the Ministry of Education’s own budget to cover a funding […]

Kukupa out of service

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

Te Kukupa is in dry dock, but Prime Minister Henry Puna has said that his government is negotiating for the use of a substitute vessel in her absence. In Parliament on Tuesday Puna mentioned he has been discussing the issue of a replacement vessel with New Zealand foreign minister Murray McCully. He declined to discuss […]

HMNZS Otago in port after patrolling Cooks waters

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

The HMNZS Otago berthed at Avatiu Harbour yesterday afternoon and will stay in port until Saturday morning. The offshore patrol vessel, captained by Commander David McEwan, has spent the past week patrolling the Cooks’ exclusive economic zone as part of major maritime surveillance operation Tui Moana, run by the Forum Fisheries Agency. A Cook Islands […]

Water bottles sent north

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

Thanks to the Rotary Club of Rarotonga and Air Raro, new water bottles are on their way to Omoka School on Penrhyn. Tyronne Weerasinghe, principal of the Penrhyn school, approached Rotary to provide a water bottle for each classroom. Weerasinghe’s request was based on concerns about dehydration for students and the effect this may be […]

Students unveil products at Winter Fest

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

Tereora College students involved in a young entrepreneurs programme launched their products at the new Winter Fest night market at Punanga Nui marketplace last night. Year 10 students involved in the young entrepreneurs programme (YEP), run by the Business Trade and Investment Board (BTIB), worked for 18 weeks to develop a viable product to sell. […]

New life for CISPCA

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

The Cook Islands Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (CISPCA) is starting afresh this year with a new president and renovation of their property in Vaimaanga. A new committee was formed in January, with Kura Hoff-Tansley as president. Hoff-Tansley says her main concerns are for dogs and to ensure that dogs have rights. […]

House passes energy legislation

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

Parliament passed both the Te Aponga Uira O Tumutevarovaro Amendment Bill and its counterpart, the Energy Act Amendment Bill, yesterday. Both are legislative mechanisms by which the prime minister can legally appoint an energy commissioner, a person to coordinate all government’s renewable energy policies, whose salary is being funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme. […]

MMR logic 'not necessarily sound'

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen is encouraging government to shift its focus from licencing foreign boats to fish in Cook Islands waters to supporting local fishermen. In speaking on a bill to amend the Territorial Seas and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977 during Parliament this week, Rasmussen took the opportunity to voice his views on government’s […]

Opposition warns govt to limit licences

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in National

Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen is warning the government to curb its issuing of fishing licences to foreign companies. Pressed to explain his actions during his tenure as minister of marine resources, Rasmussen said in Parliament this week that he regrets the ”terrible mistake“ of issuing 30 licences to foreign boats. ”If I have to say […]

Go local, help local

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

”Looks like the Business Trade and Investment Board is extending their services,“ a smoke signaller writes. ”In Monday’s article headed ‘Annual filing due’ for foreign enterprises they state: ‘It’s about being able to monitor the business’s finances and find out whether they’re doing well or not so we can help them.’ I’m wondering what kind […]

New soccer HQ for Aitutaki

Thursday 21 June 2012 | Published in Football

Aitutaki is set to have its very own soccer headquarters when construction of the island’s new administration building and education centre begins in August. CIFA received funding approval from FIFA last month. The project is designed by local architectural firm Romani Designs and the Matavera academy is currently being refurbished by RVK Contractors Ltd. CIFA […]

Vaka bound for Vanuatu

Wednesday 20 June 2012 | Published in Environment

Our arrival ceremony in Laucala Bay in Suva was really cool! It started the same way as in Levuka, with 3 members from each vaka chosen to chase and search through a group of Fijian ladies for the prized tabua (whale’s tooth) that they were concealing. However, the difference with this one was that we […]

From stone age to cyber age

Wednesday 20 June 2012 | Published in Local

The Cook Islands this week went from having the oldest customs legislation in the region to boasting the newest. Parliament passed the Customs Revenue and Border Protection Bill without amendment, in the process repealing and replacing a 99-year-old piece of legislation that was reportedly the oldest in the entire Pacific. In speaking on the principles […]

Luen Thai partnering with local company

Wednesday 20 June 2012 | Published in Local

Luen Thai Fishing Venture – one of the largest fishing companies in the world – is intending to set up a company in the Cook Islands and has applied for a licence from the Business Trade and Investment Board to operate alongside local partners. Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen asked minister of marine resources Teina Bishop […]

Progress in boundary dispute

Wednesday 20 June 2012 | Published in Local

Cabinet is making strides in a decade-long dispute with Kiribati, Niue and Tokelau regarding the boundaries of the Cook Islands’ exclusive economic zone. Deputy Prime Minister Tom Marsters said in Parliament yesterday that government expects to legally seal the deal at the Pacific Islands Leaders Forum in August. In the meantime, Parliament has passed a […]

James wins tabua

Wednesday 20 June 2012 | Published in Local

Vaka Marumaru Atua crew James Pakoti shows off a tabua (whale’s tooth) during the Vaka Voyagers welcome to Fiji. Three crew members from each vaka were chosen to be part of the tabua ceremony that included the voyagers swimming to shore to search for the prized whale’s tooth among a group of Fiji women. Excerpts […]

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