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Luen Thai awaiting BTIB approval

Tuesday 26 June 2012 | Published in National

The Business Trade and Investment Board has confirmed that a company linked to Luen Thai Fishing Ventures has applied for foreign enterprise registration. Cook Islands News was denied any further details. ”We are currently receiving all the information in order to complete the application. I cannot provide comment on the details at this present time,“ […]

Long weekend

Tuesday 26 June 2012 | Published in Smoke Signals

At the end of next week it will be a long weekend break in respect of the new annual public holiday, Ra o te Ui Ariki, which falls on Friday July 6. In earlier classified advertisements last week the Prime Minister’s Office stated the holiday would be on Wednesday July 6, but this should have […]

Common challenges addressed at Small Island Forum

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in Environment

Delegates attending the inaugural Australia Small Island Forum held on Lord Howe Island were able to meet and discuss their experiences in dealing with renewable energy, waste management, sustainable tourism development, cultural identity, transport and conservation on their respective islands. Their goal was to flesh out common issues with a view toward finding practical, financially […]

All sold out!

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in Local

Night market stall keeper Geoff Bergin declares he’s all sold out of curries and stir fry at the popular winter fest night market last Wednesday. The market was run by Tereora College students who took part in the Business Trade and Investment Board’s young entrepreneurs programme – they sold products they had developed over the […]

Finance minister talks depopulation

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in Local

Finance minister Mark Brown has said the Cook Islands must focus on improving its knowledge economy in order to increase opportunities for local people. Speaking during a live radio interview with Matariki FM, Brown addressed the country’s biggest problem – depopulation – which he said is prevalent around the region. ”Depopulation is occurring right around […]

Road death

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in Local

A young man was killed in a tragic accident last Saturday at the entrance of Rarotonga Airport. Kulani Takai, aged 22 and from Tutakimoa, was involved in a motor vehicle crash at the airport entrance on the Juhi side just after 1am. He sustained serious injuries and died in hospital a few days later. Two […]

$3m more in tourism support

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in Local

A grant of $3 million has been provided to the Cook Islands tourism sector under the New Zealand/Australia Harmonised Aid Programme in a continued effort to sustainably increase income generated by the industry. The Cook Islands attracted a record 112,446 visitors in 2011, an impressive feat when considering that many tourism industries are struggling to […]

No access to a CT scanner

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Have just opened the world news section of your newspaper, and am looking at the horrific X-ray image of the spear embedded in the head of the US teenager after a spear gun accident in a fishing trip in Florida. Doctors had to cut part of the spear off before they could fit […]

Vaka lands in Port Vila

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in National

It has been a fast sail towards Vanuatu, but along with the good winds that we’ve had came biting cold winds and almost constant rain, which made it quite a challenge for us on this leg. The winds picked us up as soon as we slipped out of the shadow of Fiji and out into […]

New customs duties legislated

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in National

Recently government approved an increase of tariff import duty rates for alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, cigarettes and tobacco. The passing of the Customs Tariff Act on Tuesday has legislated this increase into the import duty rates. Beer, wine and soft drink import duty rates have now increased by 15 percent. Beer of less than 2.5 […]

No crime ring update

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in National

Opposition leader Wilkie Rasmussen is keeping alive the memory of the crime syndicate bust Immigration made last month. Immigration deported an illegal Indonesian visitor who was discovered to have connections to an organised crime network. He was travelling on airlines tickets purchased with a stolen credit card. In Parliament this week Rasmussen asked minister of […]

Student markets a hit

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in National

The Punanga Nui Market place hummed last week with two special market events drawing in the crowds to the Wednesday ‘Winter Fest’ night market and Tereora College food festival on Friday. Tereora College students involved in a young entrepreneurs programme launched their products at the Winter Fest night market. After 18 weeks of developing a […]

Amend the regulation

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in National

Dear Editor, I have just been listening to a radio interview with Mr Sam Mossman, a well-known sport and recreational fisherman, author and special projects editor for the New Zealand Fishing News. His recent article ”Rarotonga in Summer“ was mentioned in the Cook Islands News. When asked about recent fishing experiences, he briefly mentioned Aitutaki […]

Cow boy takes flight

Monday 25 June 2012 | Published in National

Off to pursue his dreams of becoming an aeronautical engineer, Teariki Fanovaha flew out of the Cook Islands on Sunday. The 19-year-old, who completed his studies at Tereora College last year, put his three cattle up for sale earlier this year to fund his studies at the Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology in New Zealand. […]

The origin of mynas in Tahiti?

Saturday 23 June 2012 | Published in Environment

The first mention of mynas in Tahiti is by Clement Wragge who arrived there from Rarotonga in 1904. He wrote that he saw the ”mina“, a thrush-like bird, strutting around Papeete and they had been ”imported from the Moluccas to kill those infernal big wasps and cattle ticks.“ Although the French name in Tahiti, Merle […]

The spread of the 'farmer's friend' – the myna bird

Saturday 23 June 2012 | Published in Environment

The myna is locally much loathed as a pest, yet it arrived in the early 1900s with such high hopes as the ”farmer’s friend“. We follow its triumphant march from India to many countries, including the Cook Islands. The Common Myna is indigenous to southern Asia, primarily India. It lives in open woodlands but is […]

Arts council board elected

Saturday 23 June 2012 | Published in Local

The National Arts Council is moving ahead, with a board of seven members having been elected. The new members of the board include Mike Tavioni, Rutera Taripo, Ani O’Neill, Maurice Newport, Tokerau Jim, Ana Rasmussen and Barbara Arbon – all of whom represent the wide range of arts across the Cook Islands, from film to […]

NZ Navy sailor dies in crash

Saturday 23 June 2012 | Published in Local

A New Zealand Defence Force sailor died in a motor vehicle crash at the Avatiu intersection yesterday morning. William Paratini Delamere, 22, was involved in a fatal crash that was reported to police at 12.37am. He was a sailor aboard the HMNZS Otago, which has been in port this week as part of a Pacific […]

Single fin can fetch US$20,000

Saturday 23 June 2012 | Published in Local

Sharks are a popular topic this week, with the Ministry of Marine Resources releasing a draft shark national plan of action and then shark fins allegedly being found on a foreign fishing vessel in Cooks waters. Earlier this month, marine resources minister Teina Bishop was asked whether he was aware of allegations that vessels licensed […]

Planting for a new future

Saturday 23 June 2012 | Published in Local

Nikao member of parliament Ngamau Munokoa plants a citrus tree in front of the new Ministry of Education building yesterday as part of the special hand over ceremony. For being instrumental in negotiating the land with landowners for the new education building – Munokoa was honoured with opening the doors to the building and planting […]

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